When I first started getting into these, I thought I read somewhere on here that the closer to an implant is to a bone, the weaker the signal is, but I can’t find the post. After the swelling reduced from getting my flexUG4 installed, it feels like it’s mostly (possibly fully) over a bone (was supposed to be rP2) but honestly the profile of this implant is hard for me to feel for.
If I use a 20mm repeater, my phones are able to read it, but they don’t seem to be able to without it. My flipper can read it just fine, but my pm3 hasn’t gotten a read yet (though I havnt had a chance to try with the swelling down)
I’m considering getting an X-ray to determine exactly where it’s at, but I don’t have the funds for that at the moment
How bad/detrimental is it for an implant to be over bone?
No that’s not really an issue… bone has, more or less, the same amount of salty water that the rest of your body has. Bone is a concern for x-series implants only because of potential for blunt force trauma to cause breakage.
How long ago was it installed, because many people commonly say “all the swelling is gone” but it’s actually not… it’s just smoothed out and hard to see… but even a small amount of fluid can cause 1mm to 2mm extra space between implant and top layer of skin, and with certain phones this can be enough to cause readability issues. Full healing, particularly with flex implants that require scalpel work or a lot of tissue damage to get installed, can take many weeks for most people… some months for others.
For x-series, this is bad for potential for damage reasons, but for flex this is generally ok.
This good to know, I was fully under the impression that it was gone.
It was installed Saturday afternoon (7/13/24)
But if the flex being over bone is ok, then all should be good, I’ll wait for when I take the sutures out to try reading with out the repeater.
This is probably why I can’t find the post, I was looking specifically for flex implants