SiRFIDaL - Simple RFID authentication for Linux

I added support for the uFR Nano Online NFC reader over Wifi in SiRFIDaL.

The way it works is, you configure the reader to connect to your Wifi router, then you configure it in master mode, enable HTTP POST and point it to the computer address / port the SiRFIDaL server is running on - meaning it should have a fixed IP or a resolvable address on your LAN of course.

You can leave this little reader quite far from your computer, and it doesn’t need to be tethered to it by yet another cable. Nice.

As for the reader’s performances, it’s on par with the good ole ACR122U, despite being half the size. Digital Logic readers usually aren’t short of power. This one reads my IAR glass M1k without any problem:

And of course, like all Digital Logic readers, it has more lights than a Christmas tree, so it’s perfect for the season :slight_smile:

Seriously though, I don’t know why that company has such an obsession with ultra-powerful status LEDs: they’re so bright they’re almost painful to look at. This is my third Digital Logic reader, and each time I’m astonished by how bright the LEDs are.

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