TGIF! Tell me what you do with your implant(s)!

There isn’t much difference between work days and holidays for me. My implants are deeply woven into my daily life. Even if I don’t do much during the weekend, they get used at least several times per day.

Outside of work, I use them to open my front door, secure my locker key at the swimming pool, lock my bike, ride the bus, shop, log into my home computer, authenticate with my home banking app, generate 2FA codes when logging into services that use them, get my temperature the old-fashioned way or the newfangled way, present my COVID certificate (when that was still a thing), share my contact information…

At work, I use them to get into the building of course, but also to open my locker, open my office door, log into my computer with my foot reader or with my smart chair. log into any of our test machines, etc. I know you asked about implant usage outside of work, but I figured this might give you ideas too.

The only time I spend more than 2 hours without using an implant for something or other is when I sleep. And that’s just because I haven’t bothered to install the high-power LF readers under my bed yet :slight_smile: I really couldn’t live without my implants. They’re not a gimmick to me: they’re part of who I am and they make my life easier.