Small issue with Lodestone PICO


There was a small issue with the PICO included in my order. The cap was (is?) stuck on the USB end.

I tried to pull it off as carefully as possible, but the main case cracked in the process.

I believe there is some glue in the USB cap.

I’m sure I can pull the cap off with some destructive maintenance and it should work fine, (which I plan to do) but I wanted to post before I went further.

If it works I just plan to ask around for someone with a 3D printer and have a new case made.

Edit: Hell, I could probably re-glue the case too once I break off the cap.

I can send you a case and/or a full PICO when I get my stuff.
The glue in the cap is to improve the pressure fit because the resin ones are a bit loose. I let it cure so it’s fully dry but maybe this one wasn’t completely? Or there was some reaction during shipping?

Is it really stuck on there? The glue doesn’t normally stick to metal that well :face_with_diagonal_mouth:

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It is stuck enough that the [largest of the 3 pieces of case] cracked when I was carefully prying the cap off with my thumbnails. The plan later tonight after my xG3v2 install and drive home will be to crack the cap in half with some goofy wire cutters I have.

And as far as sending me stuff goes, we’ll wait to see how tonight goes. I may be able to save all of it with the use of a hair drier and superglue.

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If I remember correctly I think the resin caps are a bit wider. You might be able to hold the cap and move the pico side to side to break the glue off


Not what this thread is about, but I made the thread, so Pilgrimsmaster can’t hurt me.

Install just done!


I have confirmed it was glued to the USB plug. I had to resort to breaking the cap apart, then peeling the chunks off of the plug.

I am currently waiting for the rest of the case to finish drying with my own glue, then I will test it :slight_smile:

The thread outlines my adhd


Thread derailment is the oldest cyborg tradition…



Lodestone works :slight_smile:

ZINC > Haptic Lab > Sine Wave > Full intensity + 100Hz

Can certainly feel it at 1-3mm


Sweet! In February I’ll be able to send you a case or two. Color of your choice
Also in February will come the Zinc update with much improved haptic tests

Titan or the fresh xg3?


No need on the case at this point, though I very much appreciate the offer. I used quite a bit of glue just on the inside of the usb port (where the solder joints for it are) so it would stick better all around and not put as much pressure were it cracked before. It would be… A task… To remove the case again. It’s not worth the shipping cost for you.

And the fresh xG3v2… I have no real way to get a good sensing magnet at this point, and a fingertip install scares me.

I’ll keep an eye out on that update :slight_smile:

Unfortunately the ZINC theme promo code I have is useless to me, because I have no way to redeem it at this point. The ZINC Shop feature is entirely broken for me (presumably due to a lack of google play on my device).

Yes that’s why. I’m not 100% sure how to fix that in a way that’s fair to everyone. I’m brainsting it…
Also the next update contains themes that you can buy with points in the app so no google play needed for these :wink:

Noted, I’ll probably grab one of those themes then :slight_smile:

I may or may not drop the code in the DT Club sometime in the next few weeks if I decide to give up on it.

I have a finger xg3, is right to be scared. You can post in the xg3 reseller thread I started and see if anyone else is willing to give it up


I know I know, I need to let it heal.

But I got bored on my coffee break okay? Besides its day 12 and the scab fell off earlier.

Went to use the Lodestone for maybe the 5th or 6th time since gluing the case back together…

And I can hear the tone through my phone’s speakers.

Weird, must not have connected right. Close ZINC flip the lodestone over (because USBC), open ZINC… Still just speakers. Even weirder.

Try it with youtube on my other phone. Still just speakers.

Plug it into my work desktop (win11). No headphones show up.

Clean out port on the lodestone with air… Try again, doesn’t show up.

No (new) physical damage, port isn’t bent… Not sure what I’m doing wrong.

what phone?

Pixel8 (w/ ZINC), Pixel4a (eternally out of date w/out ZINC)

Android is really bad at recognizing Usb-c audio peripheral. Sometimes they just won’t for a while so keep trying.

Another option is that the inductor solder joint got broken in the process

Either way I’m sending you one when I have them, not négociable.


AZ he’s pretty close to me I can ship him over one, no worries


You guys are too nice, both of you. I really can just buy (or make) another one if this one turns out to be problematic.

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