Some questions I didn't find out myself, PM3 Easy and xDF2

I would rather avoid to let myself being cut open multiple times.
Maybe I just drop the whole door access thing and take maybe an apex directly, haven’t read much about it yet but you all seem to be hyped^^

If it turns out that its not possible to get myself a door access implant, I will maybe try and build a bike lock of some sorts and then get the appropriate implant for that.

Well, I dont have an NFC compliant smartphone yet ^^ I can try it with the proxmark next month or so, or I convince a friend to install taginfo on his phone. Then I will post what came out, maybe I’m lucky :woman_shrugging:

I don’t really understand how I don’t know the masterkey when I own the chip. Or is the masterkey changed/ created in the moment they write their application on my implant?
Sorry for the dumb questions…
Well, okay. So only options fo me would be finding out if they maybe sucked at building the system secure, or making friends with the sysadmin.
I think I will try both after cristmas holidays.

hmm just read a bit in the data sheet of the DF2 and found something about the MIsmartApp wich is “enabling to offer or sell memory space for additional applications of 3rd parties without the need to share secret keys” according to Wikipedia.
Sounds like what I need to me (probably its not), but I just don’t have the motivation to do further research now, will do that sometime… would be easier if english was my native language I guess.

Thanks so far, you gave me some great advise!