Sooo... I think my magnet may have broken down

Just go to your local A&E, tell them about the severe :wink: pains itā€™s giving you and also how you canā€™t sleep with worry etc. Bet theyā€™ll sort it. Donā€™t think youā€™re wasting their time, there will be a few up there with a common cold or similar.

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Cut your finger then go to a&e tell them you can feel something in there :sweat_smile:


That would certainly be one way to get it done.

Seeing as itā€™s been like this a few years, Iā€™m going to wait a few more days and see what happens with the referral or body mod shop.

I know the consensus is to get it all removed and not put anything back in, but I really do like the idea of having another one in there. Even if it means no sensing, I still miss the ability to pick up small screws when working on phones and other bits.

It was probably paryleneā€¦ I only know of cylinders being coated in parylene, and they are prone to cracking.

Actually many GPs will always refer hands out to specialized hand surgeons for most cases involving hands/fingers. The hand is a complex thing with a huge amount of utility, so many GPs donā€™t want to risk their whole carrier potentially fucking up someoneā€™s handā€¦ even if it seems simple.

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Okay, that makes senseā€¦
To be honest, I just never visit docs when something with my mods goes wrong (actually, nothing serious until now, so I never had to visit themā€¦) - just a little paranoid that this could lead to someone panicking over - in this case - magnets implanted in fingers and suddenly the next thing gets bannedā€¦ with all that stuff going on in other countries, Iā€™m just feeling like Iā€™m on happy-bodymod-island, and I like it to stay that way :smiley:


2 x 10 mm is awfully thin for a brittle material in a busy location like a finger.

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Like I promised, I asked my artist about the magnets he uses. He himself has a Haworth-magnet, prototype, the second ever implanted. Itā€™s in his finger since 2007 and still working - not a massive lifting magnet, but he can take up little coins and stuff with it. He prefers to implant the ones from Haworth, but if a customer wishes for, he implants Samppa-magnets as well which are better for lifting.
I asked him about magnets losing strength, an he said that they indeed do, but not all of them - he said they remain stronger when you use them frequently. Might be because the constant slight irritation does something with the surrounding tissue, I have no idea :woman_shrugging:

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Hey, donā€™t ask me, itā€™s just his experience :smiley:

so Iā€™m not the only one that had this reaction then lol

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Ahhhh, it must be the good olā€™ kinetic energy powered :magnet:

otherwise it could be a static powered :magnet:
But the are pretty Rare on Earth :earth_americas:

Itā€™s the Schumann resonances

So I went low brow :woozy_face:
and you went high brow :nerd_face:

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So, itā€™s been a while I know.

Anyway, 1 year later, the magnet was removed this morning.

Unfortunately they wouldnā€™t let me take photos.
But, because this was the first time the doctor had heard of this sort of thing and her search on medical journals didnā€™t really turn up anything, she took some photos on their machine as a case study to write a journal up for future use.

Luckily she let me take some photos of her photos, so while not exactly the best quality, I think they show enough details.


Did you educate her on the fact there are different coatings and different magnet styles?

I can just see a dr giving me grief now for a xg3 leaching stuff into my body, because of not knowing the difference

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Thanks for following up!

Would you mind posting a photo of your finger post removal? They really opened the tip of your finger up, so Iā€™m extremely curious to see how it looks post-closures. Also curious to see how it heals in the long-term, when it comes to scarring and nerve damage.

Those photos are super gnarly, in an interesting way.


I havenā€™t seen a hole that big since senior prom!

But joking aside, thatā€™s a helluva nasty looking magnet chunk. I too have been edumacating as many docs as I come across on our world.

Yeah, I explained that newer magnets have different coatings and are less likely to fail as mine has.

I didnā€™t get a chance to grab a photo before they bandaged it up, when I go back to get it checked up on next Thursday, Iā€™ll grab a pic and update.

So far no pain, just uncomfortable if I move it around a lot or if I donā€™t hold it up.

They were all really curious about it and kept asking loads of questions. Iā€™m really surprised how interested everyone was about it and nobody thought it was weird, they just seemed to want to know more about it.


Damn those are some gnarly photos. Really interesting seeing the state the magnet is in. It is unfortunate you donā€™t know what type of magnet or coating it has.