Is it possible to implant an chip in the skin of the strotum (or in the strotum itself)?
(I mean Not in n the testicle!)
If so, which chip would be most suitable for this
An Xsiid would make you a New member of the blinky winky club
Suitable for, er, what purpose exactly?
Obviously access control
I doubt the layers of skin are thick enough to support an implant (unless you have a very leathery sack) and not a substantial backing.
I think this may be a better option
Infact, a while ago I suggested that it may be a good option for an xBT.
For fertility reasons, testie temperatute is important.
The xBT also has an anti-migration cap, so with the right placement, it should be comfortable and not move.
Maybe along the seam
Or the founding member [punny] of the “Flashy Sacky” club
blinky blue balls
oh, hey, maybe there is a functional idea for a UV blinkie. sterilization on demand
When payment cards finally come through I’m going to put mine there. Instant fame wherever I pay.
Are they not?
We need the women’s version of this too, then.
I just re-read the subject line and I’m genuinely wondering what a genital implant would accomplish specifically for BDSM.
Maybe a Titan for something weighty and metal? (However, if any guy got near me calling his junk “Titan”, I would absolutely run in the opposite direction.)
Attack on Titan?
But… Then you could call your ladybits “Mound Olympus!”.
mini RFID reader in the little cotton patch of womens underwear? Red Light Greenlight for access feedback?
The more i think about this, im wondering if a clit xG3 and a titan at the top base of the shaft would be a solution here
Honestly I’ve always thought along these lines when I hear Olympus Mins haha
Well we haven’t got the once-and-done implant yet and there’s no way I’m scrote stabbing every few years.