Special Position e.g. for BDSM lovers?

Is it possible to implant an chip in the skin of the strotum (or in the strotum itself)?
(I mean Not in n the testicle!)
If so, which chip would be most suitable for this

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An Xsiid would make you a New member of the blinky winky club


Suitable for, er, what purpose exactly?


Obviously access control


I doubt the layers of skin are thick enough to support an implant (unless you have a very leathery sack) and not a substantial backing.

I think this may be a better option

Infact, a while ago I suggested that it may be a good option for an xBT.
For fertility reasons, testie temperatute is important.

The xBT also has an anti-migration cap, so with the right placement, it should be comfortable and not move.
Maybe along the seam

Or the founding member [punny] of the “Flashy Sacky” club :blinky_blue:

blinky blue balls


oh, hey, maybe there is a functional idea for a UV blinkie. sterilization on demand


When payment cards finally come through I’m going to put mine there. Instant fame wherever I pay.


Are they not?

We need the women’s version of this too, then.

I just re-read the subject line and I’m genuinely wondering what a genital implant would accomplish specifically for BDSM.
Maybe a Titan for something weighty and metal? (However, if any guy got near me calling his junk “Titan”, I would absolutely run in the opposite direction.)

Attack on Titan?

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But… Then you could call your ladybits “Mound Olympus!”.

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mini RFID reader in the little cotton patch of womens underwear? Red Light Greenlight for access feedback?

The more i think about this, im wondering if a clit xG3 and a titan at the top base of the shaft would be a solution here

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Honestly I’ve always thought along these lines when I hear Olympus Mins haha

Well we haven’t got the once-and-done implant yet and there’s no way I’m scrote stabbing every few years.

UVB and UVC will have you like Randy Marsh lmao