Sport and work with inplant

Hi. I have my inplant now for 2 days can i still go to the gym and when can i go to the gym again if i cant rn ? How long is the recovery time for the wound -when i dont need to use disinfect spray and a (bandage ) anymore and when the inplant is fully attached to the body ??

Second post

Everybody heals differently, just treat it like any other puncture wound, if it was an xSeries implant, healing is generally faster, whereas a Flex will likely take longer.

Bandages for a short period just keep good hand hygine

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Healing is barely worse than a flu shot. 12h is enough for me. Maybe wait a couple days to be sure, or a week if you’re very worried.

Be aware however that as long as the chip hasn’t settled and found its place in your hand, it might shift to another location. Heavy exertion, repeated muscle movements and shocks will make that a lot more likely.

Try to not use that hand too much for a while - possible quite a while.

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I implanted the xNT since my post above, I would say it took a week or so to be decently healed, at least in order for me to throw a punch without feeling pain.
Never had an issue since then, it’s been 1.5 years.

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For a contrasting experience: I cycle, so I don’t really use my hands for anything sporty.

I had a xEM installed in my left hand and I babied it for a few weeks so it would stay where I installed it. No working in the workshop, no cycling over rough stuff, no nothing. Then one day I went back home from work, and when I arrived, the chip had shifted almost half an inch backward, just by working the twist shifter on my bike.

I didn’t fight it. Too much care needed to keep a chip that don’t want to stay put from moving - and in my case, never much result. It’s been all the way back in my hand since then and it’s just fine there.

It’s just to illustrate that if someone absolutely wants their chip at a specific location and the chip has other ideas, depending on their particular biology, they might have to wait for a mighty long time for the chip to get encapsulated enough to get locked in place.

Even when mine does settle, my adhd brain wants to play with it and usually frees the sucker from it’s encapsulation

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I remember when I got mine, I was itching to hit the gym again too. It’s best to give your body some time to heal, usually a week or two, before jumping back into intense workouts. As for the wound, once it’s healed up nicely and you’re not experiencing any discomfort, you can ditch the disinfect spray and bandage. While you’re recovering, why not explore some low-impact activities?

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When you tense the muscle against the skin thats when it pushes against the implant. What will probably happen is as it tightens it pushes the inplant towards the entry wound. For example i was ipening a bottle of wine and due to my grip i felt the implant pushing against the entry wound whoch wasnt fully healed so it hella hurt. so depends how healed up that part is when you want to resume normal activities. Hope the context helps.

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Haha, so everybody else in this thread are talking about going to the gym, rock climbing and other sports.

Then, out of nowhere, in struts @hadoukenboy628 and his go to example is getting on the piss


Good example though


Well I was already abstaining from the usual activities post insertion lol. The wine wasn’t mine either. Can’t stand the stuff. And for clarity, no you don’t have to pause going on the piss post implant insertion. Just maybe opening anything with a cork :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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For my NExT and xSIID(same hand) I waited maybe 2 weeks before going back to the gym just to be safe…I’d say my hand was more ‘weak’ up until that point rather than being afraid of damaging something and it felt more like I had no grip strength if that makes sense


I recently read a fascinating article on adaptive pickleball over at It’s incredible how inclusive the sport is becoming! Take it easy, listen to your body, and you’ll be back in the gym in no time.

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You just replied to yourself!!!

And linked a random article…

you have only made 2 posts
