Strange LF chip. 😱

That’s a good idea, except the glass encased one is already pretty massive at 24mm lenght and 4 mm diameter :sweat_smile: but definitiely a workable idea, if one has access to equipment for bioglass encapsulation. Speaking of, can that even be done DIY or by Amal? Or maybe directly encasing the glass transponder in biopolymer (still a high risk of brakeage tho, and don’t know about glass-polymer adhesion). All very experimental and hypothetical.

Amal doesn’t currently seal the glass himself, there’s a factory for that. The vivotag glass has iron content that allows it to be sealed with a Nd:YAG laser which produces much more reliable results than flame sealing

Oh my god.
You guys are elite for sure.
And yeah… I’ve lived here for 4 years so far, but the rent is a bit up high so I am not sure I want to keep paying that much rent for many more years. Not planning to move but if its something that specialized I got no intention of putting a new implant for the door thingy. I guess I will just continue to leave it on a ring.
I really appreciate everyone’s help.

(now back to finishing the iOS app, is almost done)