Hello, I’m looking to clone the RFID tag that arms/disarms my house alarm onto an implant. I’ve scanned the tag with my iphone, and found the tag is an ISO15693. Here’s an image:
I know DT here sells the SLX implant that’s ISO15693, but I’m wondering what data I need to program onto it to “clone” one of these tags onto the implant. Here’s why:
When I scan the tag I’m trying to clone with the DT wedge reader or my iPhone, I get the typical 16-character UID. However, I’ve also scanned it with an Equitrac Y591-EMIF-201 reader. It’s one of those USB readers that work with photocopiers. When I scan it with that, I get a completely different number. It starts with a ‘^’ character, followed by a 20-digit number. Is this a number stored in a separate memory address on the tag? If so, I could probably clone this tag onto an SLX implant, but my alarm system might just be reading the tag’s UID, which I can’t change on the SLX implant.
Ahhh gotcha that makes a lot more sense. In that case, I could probably use an SLX implant if my alarm system can “learn” new tags. I wish I could just get my hands on an SLX implant cheaply. Maybe one not in an injection assembly? I’d just experiment with it and see if my alarm system can even read it before I decide whether or not to buy an implant.
Way ahead of you It’s an ADT Safewatch 3000 Pro. The alarm system can be programmed with a new tag. I’m not entirely sure, but if I’m reading the manual correctly, the alarm system only cares about the last 4 digits of the tag’s UID, which can be entered into the alarm system. That also sounds very unsafe.
One other consideration is the readability and compatibility of an xSeries tag with your alarm system reader.
Have you opened up your unit to find/see the antenna position?
Do you by chance have an HF xFD to test it with?
as Pilgrimsmaster hinted at i was wondering if someone had done it before, the other question was whether the antenna/system was strong enough to pick up a xseries tag.
If you can get/have a set of xLED (detectors not implants) that will help you determine the usability. I recently obtained a flexEM because one of my uses required a larger tag due to incentive reader.
I haven’t taken it apart. I’m afraid of pulling it off the wall while it’s still on and connected. I do have a couple of DT’s xLED detectors. I’ll try those and see what I can get.
Good news and bad news. The good news is, the tags leumas95 linked to work just fine with the alarm. I hold one close to the alarm, and it beeps like it read the tag correctly. When I place another tag near it that’s not compatible with the alarm, it doesn’t even beep, so I’m pretty sure these tags I got from Amazon work just fine with it. Also, if these tags work with it, the xSLX implant should also work. The bad news is, I need a code used specifically for programming the alarm system, which is also used for programming new tags into the system. You can’t just use the code you use to arm and disarm the system. I tried a method of retrieving the programming code I read online and accidentally set off the alarm. My alarm provider almost sent the cops to my house
So if I’m going to program a new tag into the system, I’ll need my alarm provider to give me the programming code. Ugh.
There is also another way around this… basically, and in most cases, when you present an unauthorized tag to the system, that failure gets logged somewhere. If the technician is adept enough, you can have them on the phone while you scan your unauthorized tag a few times and they can pull the tag ID out of the log and add it to the system. That means they don’t have to give you any kind of code or security thing if they don’t want to, AND it also means that if the system is doing some kind of transform on the UID (many do), then the log should display the code for your tag in whatever format the system uses… hence you skirt the problem of explaining your UID in hex format to someone who needs to enter the binary ID as decimal numbers, or some other odd formatting system.
Ahh ok I didn’t think of that. Yeah it would make sense for the alarm to do a transform on the UID. I know you can enter the last 4 digits of the UID into the system, but the issue is that the keypad doesn’t have any letters. So if the UID has letters, you won’t be able to enter it into the system. It would have to be transformed into a format that contains only numbers first.