Termux, issues navigating dir

So I wanted to install the Chameleon Ultra CLI on my android for ease of carrying around.

I have installed on termux before but my skills may be very rusty (kali nethunter a long time ago). Before i was using step by step guides and very little went wrong.

I am not using any particular guide for installing the CU cli. Just a combination of installing the python package, and downloading the githib repo. On a previous session I could access the source folder by entering the full path but when i come out to the root dir it wont let me go back into the folder. I managed to run the cli once on android but without the ability to run hardnested or darkside commands. I had issues getting it to recognise the device connection so i was going to go back to the folder to troubleshoot it but i cant get back in. Refuses to let me run the script again. I’m thinking at this stage i may as well stay with the MTools app if i cant run these functions on termux.

Any ideas?

It looks like you aren’t capitalizing the dir name, does that work?


cd ChameleonUltra


Might be the reason

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@Aoxhwjfoavdlhsvfpzha @Equipter

I swear i thought i was capitalising before i went back in to the screenshots. This is why I stopped using CLIs. Thanks both.

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And i was trying to open the source folder in the script folder. Duh. , :roll_eyes: