[Testing Review] 125khz Repeater Project

This is merely a suggested template

Prototype Testing of the 125KHz Repeater Project

This is the testing space for the 125khz repeater testers to input their findings

Testers and Shipping Status

@Pilgrimsmaster - Shipping Status - Destination 1 of 2 arriving Wednesday
@AmeliaM - Shipping Status - Arriving Monday
@XEMON - Shipping Status - Arriving Wednesday

Rating by the Testers :robot:


:star: = :poop:

:star::star: = :pleading_face:

:star::star::star: = :neutral_face:

:star::star::star::star: = :grin:

:star::star::star::star::star: = :trophy:

PRIDUCT NAME 1-5 :star:
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0 voters

Reserved for @XEMON test results

USPS Status - Delivered


Reserved for @AmeliaM Test Results

USPS Status - Delivered


Reserved for @Pilgrimsmaster test results

Location 1 of 2, Shipment - Delivered


Prototype Testing of the 125KHz Repeater Project

I have been fortunate to test and use a number of @Hamspiced products, One in particular was outstanding.
The High Frequency NFC repeaters were AMAZING.

That “problem” of struggling to get a read on stubborn readers and phones etc. was solved and now anybody can go to his Tindie Store and grab a suitable repeater for themselves which I highly reccomend, it has seriously enhanced the implant user experience.

The next “Problem”

Low Frequency
As far as I am aware nobody has seriously tried to create a LF repeater.
Hammy decided to tackle this, spending his own time and money to do so.
I was again fortunate to have the opportunity to test a prototype.

From the outset I believe Hammy was hopeful but uncertain how well they would perform.

He setup a spreadsheet for myself and two other testers.

I followed this through with a couple of readers and number of LF devices.

The results I got were a mixed bag, but unfortunately, not even close to the success of the HF.
Infact, in most situations the repeater served to block signals rather than repeat them.


There was one notable exception to this.
And bearing in mind I only tested on 2 of the initial 3 readers I had planned to

With the Flipper Zero and xSeries implants (NExT & xMagic) I actualy got noticable improvemet in range
See below a snapshot of the results

-Baseline was No repeater
-The D1 in mm was the stand off of the repeater from the reader

  • The NExT & xMagic column was the max distance from the reader I got a succesful read.
    (not sure if this is the method hammy wanted, but the testing was consistent and the figures were solid)

As you can see, there are some very good looking numbers in there

Although this is not what I would call a successful or saleable product, as a protype it has served its purpose and hopefully Hammy can use the testing figures to decide whether it is worth pursuing …or not.

I consider myself privilaged to be given the opportunity to carry out some testing.
Thanks @Hamspiced

Hammy was understandably disapointed, but this was the message I sent to him and I stand by it

It’s still better than anybody else has done

Often misquoted, but the message is the same

'I have not failed, but found 1000 ways to not make a light bulb ’

Giving this a rating is really difficult:
If I was rating Hammy’s dedication to the community and this project, it’s an easy :star2: :star2: :star2: :star2: :star2:

If I’m rating the prototype as a physical product, is another :star2: :star2: :star2: :star2: :star2:

If I’m rating this for performance, I have rated this a :star2: :star2:
I would have given it one star if it was only a little range improvement, but the range was clearly much better, I didn’t give it 3 stars or more because it was only xSeries and only Flipper

Rating by the Testers :robot:


:star: = :poop:

:star::star: = :pleading_face:

:star::star::star: = :neutral_face:

:star::star::star::star: = :grin:

:star::star::star::star::star: = :trophy:

PRIDUCT NAME 1-5 :star:
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0 voters

good rig but i see a lot of metal there… could the ruler and slide mechanism be replaced with plastic? i get that the idea is to look for the performance difference not necessarily absolute values, but metal will mess with things in unexpected ways between repeater vs no repeater… so in the interest of data purity, plastics would be best.

that said, i’m sure you could replicate the performance delta without the metal parts, though the absolutes might be slightly different.


Good question, Thats actually how I started the testing
I had an all plastic and wood set up, using inert cards as my spacers, but I only had abot 30mm worth of cards not 80mm worth as sugested on the spreadsheet, I got the same result with that rig as I did with the cards so I stuck with the rig for all the testing and consistency