The anti🚫-derailment🚃 & thread🧵 hijacking🔫 thread🧵 ⁉

I didn’t look like fun.

I hope it hasn’t scared you off getting anymore implants.

the xSeries needles are (llightly) pre-lubed, and for flex you’ll know to get some lube (medical), When you get a custom needle from DT it comes with a sachet of lube for the exact reason you experienced.

I’m not taking credit for it, but when I got my custom payment install, I sent the install video to Amal, and I think that convinced him that lube would be a “compulsory” addition.
And mine only took 3 mins of a 40kg Korean lady persisting by pushing and prodding to penetrate me properly, not 30mins like yours.

I’m actually surprised Walletmor don’t provide lube in their kit, or at the very least, a suggestion to do so :man_shrugging:
Maybe because they reccomend a professional installer and the installer would likely have some :man_shrugging:

Not my intention, just an awareness, that if it did happen, that kink was likely the reason.

@Az_F answered this above, and with regards to the flexing of the flex, the flex refers to the flexibility of the encapsulation material, NOT the implant.
Picture a Chip that is soldered to a thin PCB ,

then picture bending that PCB, next to using heat to remove that chip, flexing / bending is probably the next easiest way.

As I mentioned, I REALLY hope I am wrong

If you could find that again, could you share the link, just so we can correct / clarify it.
For DangerousThings, the use of metal tools COULD invalidate the Warranty.

Welcome to the club buddy