The anti🚫-derailment🚃 & thread🧵 hijacking🔫 thread🧵 ⁉

anyone knows how the pill communicates with the bluetooth patch?

Looking it up only results in their “all natural thinga found in most diets” and for some reason the whole thing smells like bs to me, but its fda approved so it has to do something? Probably the strangest thing ive heard all month. Anybody out here take this willing to gut it for science?:joy:

They gotta be cappin…that’s what the kids say nowadays right?




it basically just reports to the app that you ingested the pill and then everything else is done in the app

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I was hoping to get even more electronics inside of my body, but that thing sure turned out to be a disappointment.

“how well you take your aripiprazole (patient compliance)” that’s not what I want to have inside of my body…

Also, that’s an antipsychotic so I’m not sure how the people from the you know what thread will react to this…

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I’m thinking you were referring to this one :man_shrugging:


There is a lot of waffle and smoke and mirrors in their description of the MYCITE system. It appears to claim that a sensor the size of a grain of sand (not rice!) and made out of natural ingredients (almost always a red flag naturopath argument. Herpes, arsenic and flatulence are all “natural”) communicates via Bluetooth with the external patch. But if you read carefully it stops short of actually claiming that.
The FDA approval does not cover the magical technological component which just leaves the logging system which at its core is just an electronic diary that shows when you took your pill and your physical activity levels. No doubt useful information but achievable without the need for these fuzzy exaggerated claims.


That just means that all of the particles in them come from the big bang, instead of some fake little bang.



Sure, there’s lot of bullshit there, it is an ad after all. But I’m still inclined to believe that there is this Ingestible Event Marker that’s activated by dissolution and that broadcasts some sort of ID.

When ingested and in contact with gastric fluids, the sensor sends an electrochemical signal unique to aripiprazole that is recognized and stored by a patch worn on the user’s torso.

This particular tech seems to come from company Proteus which the MYCITE manufacturer bought in 2020. My understanding now is that the circuit is powered by electrodes coming in contact with stomach acid, and something called volume conduction communication is used to send signal to the patch.

Couldn’t you ask direct? Surely they’ve got a PR contact someplace?

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Huh, this reminded me i was gonna watch that since i didnt when it was posted and now its gone. Wont load. I tried inspect element and go to the mp4 directly but

<Message>Key not found</Message>

Thank you resident AI! :mechanical_arm:

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I keep posting cute tiny electronic projects here but this one is especially relevant (and cute):


i just watched this this morning. Shame that the epoxy killed the first led.

Apparently Flipper Zero has an app store these days.


Is that an app for interfacing with meatbags? Gross!


Yeah, they have had for about 6 months.

It’s a great little addition, and makes the Flipper even more user friendly

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The 3 prong dildo if I recall correctly, and I have a pretty good memory :rofl:

No Judgement, You do you @ODaily