The antišŸš«-derailmentšŸšƒ & threadšŸ§µ hijackingšŸ”« threadšŸ§µ ā‰

Identifying polygenic traits is definitely in itā€™s infancy. Take that kind of genetic forecasting with a mine full of salt. You really need a large dataset and some advanced computing devices to get anything useful, and the ā€œresultsā€ havenā€™t been around long enough to verify in individuals with ā€œincreased riskā€ for certain conditions.


@amal when? my youth is fading




Sign me up! :100:

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So much like. Now I have to replicate that vein finder I have so it can fit in a bra


I think she used leds in her corset to light up her implants.

You have a personal vein finder?

Trademark the petaboob now quick

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Yeah, you were there

Yeah, that seems about right. It might work alright on an unmodified tit, though. You just need a bright enough light. Iā€™ll do some testing and get back to you later. I donā€™t have any breasts handy at the moment.


Not going to be many of those in this comunity, unless you mean breast then yeah they probably exist.

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Maybe Iā€™ll get my implants and send them to Amal to throw some jumbo flexā€™s with blinkies in them for a read range of 20cm :laughing:

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Pff, I donā€™t have a vein finder, soā€¦ :woman_shrugging:

can only speak for myself, but my tits are perfectly unmodified for now - in a month or so, theyā€™ll be blessed with a nice scarification, but I donā€™t think thatā€™s the modification youā€™re talking about? :wink:

Devil is one aā€™ dem Brits. 'e only knows chest pillows as knockers. Fer 'im a tit is a bloke who innit got nuffin 'etween 'is ears


oh hellā€¦
Iā€™m not a freakinā€™ native speaker! Donā€™t confuse me with all that american vs. british english stuff! When writing about colours, I still occasionally throw a ā€œuā€ intoā€¦ or notā€¦ or - sigh. Okay. Translation page up in the background :stuck_out_tongue:

edit: translator says a tit is a small kind of bird. Doesnā€™t help at all.


Aye, a tit be a dumb ass but with a funny side.


Yeah, I was making sure you paid attentionā€¦

But really, I forgot as that isnā€™t a common household tool.

I donā€™t know. I think it would be a super hot (temperature wise) light to light up boob all natural.

Yep, think so too - if youā€™re wearing silicone implants, the light gets distributed well and can shine through the skin, but with real boobs, I donā€™t think youā€™ll see much of itā€¦ might try it out tomorrow with a strong flashlight, for I think it looks really nice - but Iā€™m not going to get silicone implants just to light my tits up. I think. Maybe. Dunno. :smile:

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Make a version of the peg-leg, call it the peg-tit!


she has implants and talks about how these are ā€œlight up implantsā€ā€¦ but Iā€™m more interested in your use of the term ā€œwearingā€. To me, wearing means something you ā€œput onā€ and can take take off at will. Secondarily, to me it means it is not permanent, has no expectation of permanence, and actually (to me anyway) feels cumbersome an unnatural to have on your bodyā€¦ but that last part might just be me since I canā€™t stand wearing watches or other things like that. Iā€™ve also heard other people describe ā€œwearing a chip implantā€ but it just sounds wrong to me. It might be a language thing, but Iā€™m wondering why that word?

I would say you wear the chicken cutlets

I would think you could light up one of those pretty easily and slip them into a bra.

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Just wait until us people in the British colonies start adding our own slang, and turns of phrase you will be really confused. But we do spell things the same.

For example.
@Devilclarke is a good cunt, this is a compliment of the highest order.

ā€œDevil freely shares his time and knowledge with everybody, he is a real good cuntā€