The antišŸš«-derailmentšŸšƒ & threadšŸ§µ hijackingšŸ”« threadšŸ§µ ā‰

Cross post

Any chance anyone is going to the MRRF 3D printing festival tomorrow In Illinois?

I was planning but now Iā€™m on the fenceā€¦ fellow cyborgs could sway the scales

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This so reminds me of the ridiculously oversized swords in video games.

Also, swarms of cheap drones are new to warfare, but the situation is rapidly changing. Investing heavily in current antidrone tech is a foolā€™s game. Look at russia vs Ukraine. Armored tanks > Cope Cages > Turtle Tanks with Jammers. Drones were initially used against targets, then started hunting opposing drone operators, and now thereā€™s specialized drone on drone aerial warfare. The whole evolution of the Sea Baby, which is currently faster, more capable, and cheaper than ever and sporting anti air missiles to hunt the ones hunting them. Itā€™s just iterating too fast to bother with expensive solutions.

I guarantee militaries everywhere are SERIOUSLY watching this rapid evolution play out and adapting. Rapidly. Iā€™d also bet that, like all new game changing innovations, eventually the full benefits, limits, and liabilities will be realized and the rapid change will slow. Thatā€™s the time to invest heavily in expensive tech.

Unless of course, youā€™re getting your ass handed to you for the last couple of years by a country you expected to fall in 2-3 days.


Probably the biggest mistake Russia made was not realizing they were going to engage in a proxy war with a bunch of other countries. Ukraine on its own would have fallen pretty quick, but the constant pouring of tech, money, and information (intelligence) into Ukraine has kept Ukraine aliveā€¦ but letā€™s not forget, the countries (the governments, not the people) that support Ukraine donā€™t actually care about Ukraine, they are only supporting Ukraine to hinder Russian expansion.


And, from the US perspective, itā€™s a good way to keep the weapon industry going since theyā€™re not using them in Iraq ā€¦ Itā€™s more about money than politics
(The same applies with American weapons delivery to Israel)


Gotta keep that MIC fed with tax dollars my man

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Worked perfectly. Still not the same read range as the card but equal to a fob, so works if i get the chameleon ultra close enough to it. Big thanks.


Awesome. If you have a nanovna you can test it, can probably tune it tighter and squeeze some more range out of it


Well that WASā€¦a thing


Butā€¦ My forks


Itā€™s not often those of us with real microchips get to completely destroy a thread, good teamwork everyone!


Lol did you delete it? But what about record keeping for the next person who wants exactly that??


The scary thing is that I posted a joke about drone jammer guns and that thing appeared shortly after.

I hate everything about this TBH.


Not surprised considering the majority of our traffic is crawlers.

they must be hitting it every 5 minutes.


Itā€™s cool that even troll threads turn into something educational on this forum.

Iā€™m also surprised that nobody suggested an autonomous drone. If the remote is being jammed then donā€™t use a remote at all. Have a preprogrammed flight path, most drones with a flight controller can do that and I donā€™t see what a jammer could do against that :man_shrugging:


The idea was briefly kicked around, but we had moved on to bigger and brighter things


it makes me feel lowkey uncomfortable that crawlers hit so often. same thing has been happening on some of the discords i occupy. really itches me that a lot of what i say on these platforms is likely being fed to train AIs


Better be fully inertial navigationā€¦ which very few can do

I know just enough about gps hacking to know some of the wild things that can be doneā€¦

Drone will believe itā€™s flying one 1 trajectory but you over power the gps data to actually skew its flight pathā€¦ itā€™s cool and scary shit


Same here ā€¦ And I have a the gear to do so :sweat_smile:
But, in the US, touching GPS signal is a felony (and they do monitor it) ā€¦ Only military feds are allowed to do so, when you dive on military bases, your GPS receiver gets ā€œhijackedā€ by a local emitter and it feeds data to the receiver. Same goes for cell/3-5G. All RF com is intercepted and monitored in and out :exploding_head:

Ps: not a lawyer, just a rando online, do as you wish at your own risk :rofl:


Guaranteed area 51 has such countermeasures in place. It takes very little power to override sat sigs


Oh fuck no
I flout many rules or lawsā€¦

But you donā€™t fuck with the fcc, and you sure as hell donā€™t fuck with gpsā€¦ :skull:

Same energy

Suprisingly little power which is the ironic thingā€¦
It makes sense giving the transmission power drop off from you know, fucking spaceā€¦ but still