The flexMT is available for pre-order

Any chance of this chip combination in an x-series?

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Damnā€¦ You come out with that product just after I ordered a FlexEM and a FlexM1 separately :slight_smile:

itā€™s being played with but there are difficulties


awww hah sorry manā€¦ thatā€™s always a riskā€¦ i tried to drop hints early that it was coming, but maybe not early enough


Well, Iā€™m tempted to implant the FlexM1 in my mid-digit, same as you. That would justify the thin form factor in and of itself. So itā€™s not a wasted purchase. Only Iā€™m not too sure about that one, cuz my finger seems quite a bit thinner than yoursā€¦

As for the FlexEM, itā€™ll go in my butt remember? :wink: I have no need for an HF tag the size of the FlexMT in my butt.

So itā€™s all good.

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What is the flexibility of the edge/outer ring like in comparison to the flexNExT?

If you mean the flexEM, there is basically zero flex in the entire device, despite the name.

Not the flexEM. I was referring to this post with attached vid as they are of comparable size and config (hf/lf combo).

Ahā€¦ well, less flexibleā€¦ I will arrange to video it soon.

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Thank you! Just trying to figure out if I had a safe location to install or not and that was the main concern

Just have to ask, because I found nothing on the forum - are there any installation experiences with the flexMT? I read of some people thinking about it, but I didnā€™t find any nice, helpful pics and all that :wink:
So, anyone got these babies inside yet?

(yesā€¦ Iā€™m thinking about what Iā€™ll do with my Titan-discount-voucherā€¦ :smiley: )

Hmmm, I canā€™t think of one off the top of my head either.

Pretty sure @Mariarangok has one in, but not sure if its documented

If you donā€™t know about one, there most certainly wasnā€™t one :wink:

I donā€™t remember if the incredible implant documentation she made was from a flexNExT or from a flexMTā€¦ sadly, that thread has disappeared, so I canā€™t look it up :wink:

Iā€™m actually thinking about installing it on my wrist, same spot like my silicone implant (so, where all those funny tendons and stuff are), just on the other arm, and Iā€™d like to collect some experiences beforeā€¦ Worst case would be, I have to put it on top of the wrist instead, wristwatch-style - that might be a problem considering Iā€™d like to get my next scarification there, as wellā€¦ waaaaah, Iā€™m not having enough space on my body! :smile:

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This is all I could find from her about the FlexMT

Also @Devilclarke has one, but not installed yet I believe


Just Saying :wink:

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Hi! I have a FlexMT in my wrist/forearm region. I took the thread down but Iā€™d be happy to share any info and or pics or video with you directly in private.

Feel free to private message me here or in discord or Facebook and Iā€™ll share whatever you need.


Thanks a lot :wink:

Yeaaah, I knowā€¦ but with flexies and planned scarification, things tend to be a bit more difficult, Iā€™m afraid :wink:

Yeah, I was just pulling your leg. ( although I hadnā€™t considered your scarification in my reply ).

What, where and when is next session for you?

Iā€™m afraid I have to slow down a bit - visited my artist 3 times in the last 4 months. If I keep it up at that pace, Iā€™ll reach a point too fast where nothing is left to do, and that would be a sad moment :wink:
So I think the next thing will be the Titan, either end of this year or beginning of the next.
Since my first scarification was so much fun for me, Iā€™m going to expand this a bit - will definitely do arms and legs, maybe sides of the body as well, but I donā€™t know yet when I will get it done. Need holidays afterwards, at least one week :smile:
Then Iā€™m maybe planning on a flexMT, and if Steve ever gets the custom work done, Iā€™ll get some more silicone inside my body. Still quite a bit to come, and Iā€™m not even counting in piercings and tattoos hereā€¦ sigh^^
The only point I can easily answer is

Definitely Arnulf from Stigmata Inc. - for Iā€™ll never go anywhere else again for strange stuff :smile:

Not what I meant :wink:
That is not your translation, but rather more lack of specificity on my partā€¦
Where on your body are you planning your next scarification?

Ah, okay - like I said, I think the next thing will be the arms. Iā€™ll talk that through with Arnulf, either weā€™ll do one arm after the other, or maybe both lower arms first and then both upper arms, dunnoā€¦ He has to design the pattern first and all that, and Iā€™m not sure he even knows of his luck by now^^
Afterwards I like to get my legs decorated, all the way from the hips to the ankles. And if I survive all that, maybe the side of the chest as well. Think Iā€™m kinda going ā€œfull bodyā€ - always liked that in tattoos, so Iā€™m going to do it in scars :wink:

edit: oh, except for my back, the tattoo has already started there, so the back will be fully tattooed :smiley: