The flexNExT is now in limited release!

You are a patient man :slight_smile:

That must be why he was talking about you having him on Wikipedia all day. Just to search one thing must take 10 minutes. Between opening the client, waiting to connect to the node, navigating to DDG, waiting for the host to resolve, entering your search terms, sifting through all the porn results, and finally getting to a Wikipedia page to read it.

I also watch Youtube videos on Invidious instances. Now THAT’s patience :slight_smile:

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At this point it would probably make more sense to just dedicate 80GB and have a local Wikipedia instance running on Kiwix :slight_smile:

I think that’s the main reason why it takes so long…ahem

s/sifting/checking out/

oh, just to get a little back to topic - I’m interested as well to know how many flexy’s have been sold and / or installed until now :wink:

Actually it’s been upwards of 13 or so… maybe more… not really counting… but yeah pretty low volume.

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Thanks for the info!
It’s a shame they’re not all active here - I’d love to hear more about healing processes and such, especially since the implants are pretty unique considering their size and the way of installation and all that…

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Yeah… some people just want to be private about their mods… kinda like people not wanting to explain their tattoos or whatever. I find that many people don’t even tell their families they got a chip.

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I totally respect that, of course - it’s just some sort of scientific interest :wink: Since we’ve seen some pretty strange behaviour of some flexNExT’s, it would be interesting to see if the rest of them is calm or if they develop other funny features :smiley:

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Yeah true… smaller flex devices like flexNT etc have not seen these issues but I can’t imagine it’s from the size. Obviously a different level of tissue work is necessary, and healing timelines are affected as is the “stress” that daily activities bring to the installation site… but the rash and then this odd encapsulation are two outliers happening in a very small set… so yeah it’s strange.

Are there any other oddities you can think of thus far from flexNExT or flexMT installations?

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I was mostly thinking about the strange stuff @anon3825968 is experiencing as well as the one that was suddenly very swollen… mine is swollen since a few days as well, after I worked a bit too much, but that’s still in the “normal implant range” I know from my silicone one.
What I found very interesting was all that rotation-thing, especially since every implant rotated counter-clockwise, if I remember that correctly - would be interesting to see if other spun less or more or differently, and if the placement had an effect to that…

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The flexM1 in my other hand went in the same day as the doNExT, and I might as well have forgotten about it the next minute, hadn’t it been for the stitch. I can’t tell it’s there, even visually. It’s not encapsulated, my hand hasn’t reacted, there has never been a drop of fluid in the pocket ever, it never hurt for a single second… It’s like it never happened. Yet the same dermal lifting method was used (on a smaller scale of course, but still…)

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2 unusual cases out of 5 known implantations is not insignificant. And for all you know, the 6 implants whose whereabouts are unknown may have resulted in odd reactions too.

As time passes, I have a feeling I should come out on the positive side of this experience eventually, with only minor gotchas (knock on wood). Yet I have the distinct impression that this particular implant will have passed perilously close to what my body can tolerate for a hobby procedure done outside of a traditional surgical setting, however good the installer is.

I don’t think my system is particularly special. So perhaps the flexNExT itself is kind of at the edge of what ordinary people like me can safely undertake - as opposed to what serious bodymod enthusiasts who have been doing all kinds of extreme things for years can get away with.

I’m not sure if there really is a difference - my body shouldn’t behave much different than yours, no matter how much titanium I stick inside it, the biology should be pretty similar. Bodmod-enthusiasts might be more “routined” considering pain, healing, aftercare maybe, but the body itself will not react differently just because of modding. Left aside that every body is acting a bit different, of course.

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I’m not sure about that: when I got my first implant (a simple glass chip), my body reacted so strongly that I felt the need to have my hand checked out at the ER. The second one, not so much. And then after that it just quit reacting - up until the doNExT anyway.

I have no proof for this, but I think there might be a habituation factor. If I’m correct, your body should react less to abuse than mine.

I think perhaps my body was prepared to tolerate a flexM1 without getting its pants in a knot, but not a big-ass flexNExT, and it went into overdrive on that one after a week waiting patiently for the offending object to go away on its own.

Of course, the corollary if I’m correct is that I should be able to implant another flexNExT without any trouble next time! Oh gosh, heaven forbid :slight_smile:

Go for it! :stuck_out_tongue:
Hm, thinking about my piercings… I’m not sure. First one was easiest ever, but it was the tongue, and that one’s always easy.
Afterwards, yeah, maybe the last 5 or 6 have been easier than those before, but that might be because of a better aftercare routine as well… I don’t know :woman_shrugging:
But a lot depends on the mindset, that’s for sure - I literally shake and nearly die every time I visit the dentist, while sitting at my bodmod’s and getting cut open creates absolutely no stress at all - quite the contrary, even :wink:

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Hmm, let me assimilate this one fully first, m’kay? :slight_smile:

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I have an improvement suggestion for the flexNExT, and possibly for other larger implants, if that’s doable at all: a thick(er), rounded, O-ring-like edge. The skin would like like you’ve implanted a rolled up condom, but it wouldn’t bite as much.