The mighty xNT - unsung hero

I think the xNT is often overlooked by this community because we have moved on to fancier chips with flashing lights and double chips with lots of protocols.
This could be a mistake because I think a wider section of the general public would accept and adopt subdermal transponders if they were shown how easy to use and capable this little chip is.
It can be used with all recent cell phones, or with computers with an inexpensive USB reader.
No understanding of code is necessary - you could explain how to use most of the functions to almost anyone.
At only 2x12mm, it is the smallest chip which means installation is virtually painless, even without anaesthetic. It also means that once correctly installed the likelihood of it being bashed, rejected, or infected is extremely low.
For a non-tech savvy, non-body-modder, regular person who wants a discrete super power this chip makes perfect sense.

Rating by the community :robot:


:star: = :poop:

:star::star: = :pleading_face:

:star::star::star: = :neutral_face:

:star::star::star::star: = :grin:

:star::star::star::star::star: = :trophy:

What do you think of the xNT? 1-5 :star:
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The xNT was my first implant, and despite it being a part of me for over a decade now, it (well both of them) remains a useful addition to my life.

I love the NeXT, the xEM and all the other offerings that have been developed over the years, but it is the way that these technologies remain useful and viable over time that I appreciate so much in a world of planned obsolescence.


I don’t personally think it’s been overlooked, i think just the fact it’s so simple and doesnt need any upgrading, it is already a finished product. I agree with your sentiments concerning how it would be much widely adopted by the public given it’s ease of use. The vector here is an information campaign, positive press releases / media coverage, demos. It’s all been done before and we are now where we are.

I guess the reason why the other implants get more mention are just because to the community they are what spur our interests whether we are developers, hackers, pentesters, diyers, rf hobbyists.

Props for upvoting the underdog though.