The official Titan batch #2 campaign thread

I bought titan in Campain 3, did you wait the end of the campain to send it or no ? Because My piercer would like to know when he can programm the implantation of all my implants ^^

After end of the campaign the manufacturing processes will start.
From there on some weeks/months I guess.

Amal will occasionally give some updates.


This was one of those updates, after the end of Batch 2

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Hey everyone, pretty big update for you.

I got my magnet implanted Thursday night and it went great. Iā€™ll include a couple pictures below. My piercer who performed the procedure is pretty new to biohacking, but heā€™s really into it and has gotten himself set up well with a stockpile of lidocaine, disposable scalpels, sutures, etc.

In depth description of the procedure and after care stuff.


We began with a couple jabs of dental grade lidocaine on either side of the base of my ring finger meeting my cleaned hand, which was definitely a feeling. A small amount as well at the tip of the finger. We then wrapped my finger tightly in a rubber band and massaged back from the tip of the finger to the base where it was wrapped to reduce blood in the finger (first picture). After several minutes and another cleaning, a new needle was jabbed twice at the tip of my finger where the action will be to ensure I had no feeling.

We decided on a position about halfway from tip to first joint and with reassurance I was numbed, the scalpel comes out. The blade pushed pretty deep followed by a little spreading with additional fun dental supplies. A second bout of cutting since the titan is a hefty boy. The magnet was pushed into the new hole and time to close up. A little time was spent fumbling tying down the single suture we did, but itā€™s done!

That brings us to the part I was actually worried about. The procedure was a cakewalk for me, I just had to sit still. After a careful rinse, we wrapped the tip of my finger in gauze and medical tape (second picture) and shipped me back home. With very small exceptions, Iā€™ve been crazy lucky to have basically no pain? I kept the bandage on through the first night, which wasnā€™t a good night but thatā€™s unrelated. The following morning, I removed the bandage and everything looks to be in great shape. Thereā€™s some bruising and swelling as Iā€™d expect.

My concerns from my first post were pretty spot on. Washing my hands is just as much a chore as I expected just trying to avoid any irritation I can while keeping the area clean. My partner has been struggling a lot grabbing for my hand and then realizing and feeling bad. Iā€™ve tried to make it as clear as possible that itā€™s not their fault they forget and theyā€™re not going to hurt me just trying to hold my hand, I just want to be extra careful. Iā€™ve mostly been relaxing my first two days watching SGDQ.

Going forward, I have a few major milestones Iā€™m looking toward. Next Thursday, Iā€™ll be cutting and removing the suture. Iā€™ve thought a little more than Iā€™d like to admit about how that will feel. Iā€™m not concerned with pain so much as discomfort, but itā€™s mostly just overthinking it. Itā€™ll be over in a second and Iā€™ll be well into recovery. Iā€™m aiming for a month of babying before I really try anything interesting, which Iā€™m pretty prepared for. I have already felt a slight movement very close to my microwave and seeing that movement on the magnetic film thatā€™s included is really awesome.

Pictures from the first two days.


Finger sans most blood and with some added lido

Day two morning with bandaging

Day two morning after removing bandaging

Day two night, not much change

My next update will probably be a week from now. I hope everyone is doing okay and (at least mostly) staying safe.
Formatting learning has occured.


Finally did it, finally pulled the trigger and bought one. Found a guy a city over thatā€™ll install it on the installer list, super excited. Two weeks to go and only nine more sales left!