The official Titan crowdfunding campaign thread

I wouldn’t mess with DMSO man… honestly… it’s used by drug addicts and by vets on animals nobody gives a shit about killing… but what DMSO can do to your body and cells once inside you isn’t great. I also seriously doubt it will have any significant effect on lidocane absorption rate or totality.

I was just about to write that… DMSO can deliver pretty much anything that you happen to have on the surface of your skin almost directly into your bloodstream/interstitial fluid. That includes soaps and antiseptics that you would presumably use before the procedure. Let’s not even mention the things technical-grade DMSO is usually contaminated with…
I mean, on its own it’s considered relatively non-toxic (less so then ethanol, if given orally). There were some funky cases with it though. Also consider that it is a Schedule 4 drug in Australia.

Ouch! Things seeem to go pretty strange in customs, currently…
Mine is still in Leipzig, even though I told DHL 4 days ago that they should send it to a service station near where I live. They didn’t yet, obviously. Nor did they inform me or contact me in any way (they’ve got my mail adress and my phone number…).
So today, I used the contact form on the DHL homepage, let’s see what that brings up.

So they wanted the invoice, or did they want a bank statement? And what did you tell them about the Titan?

yeah if it were amazingly effective then I might actually consider it even with the risks, but i seriously and honestly doubt it will offer any significant improvement

This could interest you:

Most of these do suggest a markable improvement in local deluvery when using DMSO in conjunction with lidocaine.

The research seems to be quite limited and partially of poor quality (well, the sources are quite old, and most is conducted on animals).

Please keep in mind that I am not a pharmacologist, just a molecular biologist, and that this is not my field of expertise. Take everything I say with a grain of salt :slight_smile:

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You should start introducing yourself as a biological molecularist, just for the reaction.

De-rail over.

What do you mean? :sweat_smile:
I mean most of this thread is just a huge derail

Both, I told them that it’s a N52 magnet in titanium, that’s all.

They really wanted a bank statement? I thought the invoice would be enough…

Like I said, customs are turning into the Stasi. And they’re not the only ones: anything you do out of the ordinary is being flagged and investigated these days.

Like for example, my mom owes me some money. Instead of telling her to transfer a lump sum to my account (which is sure to attract the taxman, because at her age, it’s easily construed as inheritance tax avoidance), I told her to pay for everything - groceries, rent, insurance… the lot - for a few months until we’s even.

Well guess what: I got a lengthy call from my bank the other day, during which they asked me some pretty searching and infuriatingly nosy questions to have me explain why the expenses on my account had suddenly dropped.

It’s a totalitarian state man I’m telling ya. It doesn’t look like it most of the time, but you’re regularly reminded that you ain’t free to do what the fuck you want no more. And it happens with more and more regularity.


did you just laugh and be like “me mummy is taking care of her wittow baby again!”

I was in no mood. Seriously… Them fuckers are incredibly invasive. And the thing is, it’s not even their fault: it’s mandated by the KYC directive.

When I opened my account here in Finland, they grilled me for a full hour, asking me stuff like how much I made, how much I intended to spend per week, how much my rent was, what I usually did with the money during the summer months when I’m on vacation, how much I intended to withdraw in cash - including outrageous statements such as “Really? That much? Naah… We’ll limit your cash withdrawal to 1200 euros per week. You can raise it later when you prove worthy.” I mean… Fuck, that’s my own goddamn money!

My banks in all the other countries I’ve lived in also followed suit. I’ve been a customer for 30 years in 2 of them, but they too felt the need to “know me better”.

Know-your-customer my foot. It’s the private arm of the police state, is what that is.


IIRC you were looking into it back in 2013 when you had lido crystals rather than a proper solution?

I don’t mind very carefully cleaning my skin / numbing first, but yeah, more research should definitely be done.

Interesting, I’ve found a source of it as a solvent, idk if that gets around that scheduling. It’s supposed to be 99.99% pure, but who knows what that other 0.01% is and how bad it is.

I knew that there was something… but thanks for finding some actual papers / experiments.

Honestly, I just want an easy way to numb finger / skin for Titan & flex implants :sweat_smile:. Also, I have no clue what I’m doing :joy:, I am an EE/CS student who never even took biology in high school.


I think I would rather do with injectable Lido instead of DMSO.


The more you grit your teeth during the install procedure, the less pain you’ll suffer during the healing phase.
(It’s an interesting mechanism in our brains)

yes i did try it out with lido crystals, lido hcl crystals, and finally with the elma patch… but stopped after it appeared to make no significant difference

Don’t trust myself / piercers with injections (even if they did agree), plus I tend to nearly pass out from needles :joy:. Saying that, if I want my Titan in my fingertip, I’ll likely go to a surgeon, who almost certainly would use injected lido.

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Would you say you are Trypanophobic?

That’s one of my favourite words! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

@RyuuzakiJulio it has a name

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