One of the most common movie tropes is the idea that the great powers that be will use some kind of implant to control or monitor people. A classic example is from the 1993 film Demolition Man;
The far more disturbing and bleak truth is that nothing more than a collection of cheap ubiquitous cameras are needed… and it’s all coming together now. Biometrics based on camera input, monitored 24/7 by AI… it’s already deployed and working… but soon it will be unescapable.
“Citizens will be on their best behavior because we’re constantly recording and reporting everything that’s going on.” - Larry Ellison
The Oracle CTO Larry Ellison who is co-leading the Stargate AI project, outlines plans for omniscient AI surveillance;
The problem with this level of unprecedented centralized intrusive apparatus in the daily comings and goings of average citizens is that, just like any tool, it can be wielded against anyone, any time, for any reason - especially for reasons that are not congruent with the original intent.
The NSA and CIA both have found employees leveraging their powerful toolsets to spy on co-workers, ex-lovers, spouses, etc. While some may find these cases to be nothing but benign small scale abuses which are worth the overall “protection” such systems purport to provide for our country, what happens when abuse becomes sanctioned directives issued by future powers that be - especially by those who espouse to be “providing security”.