Those who are backing the Titan - where are you implanting it?

They remove the nerves with the root canal.

I’m not leaving a $500 present for the tooth fairy :no_good_man:t4:
It should be the other way around. =)=)

…More seriously I’d say sustainability would be a rather good reason not to put a vibrating metal into a tooth cavity.
But as I said, I’m no expert on the field. :blossom::cow: :seedling:

Edit: Do you mean lining the cavity with amalgam and vibrate the Titan against that? :thinking: I don’t know the answer, but the thought is interesting!

Edit2: You don’t want a semi-open dental cavity in your mouth for too long for hygienic reasons. Also as far as my research extends dentists stop using mercury based amalgam fillings and swap them to composites. It has to have some environmental reasons. They say cremation pollutes also because of the dental fillings. ¯(º_o)/¯

I know one reason was due to it releasing low levels of Mercury causing brain damage in long term.

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I am missing one of my molars.

I have immense pain in the teeth close that one since they are shifting. I have been saving up for an implant, and I almost have enough money.

What I am getting at, is modifying the tooth that gets clipped into the implant itself. So the moving part would be inside the fake tooth.

Murica, quoted around $4,500 for one tooth.

Finally an excuse being a silly :cucumber:!

If that’s included extraction and the custom implant with installation then I would go for it.
Some dentists are custom making the crowns at place. I saw a (don’t ask me how many)-axis machine working on a piece before. Interesting process, very interesting.

@amal once wrote about a similar tooth implant idea on his blog
also this: Update del tooth - Amal Graafstra - Technologist, Author & Double RFID Implantee
maybe you should get a custom titan with and screw it on that threaded rod? lol

Oh no. I’ve been missing the tooth for 3 years. That is for a bone graft and implant

Another point is if a magnet attached to skull can actually sense anything, since it’s not like hands that can get close to sources of electromagnetic fields. I fear I don’t sense much with it in normal situations where I am not banging my head to walls or laptops

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Maybe if it was possible to make a Titan2.0 with a diameter slightly bellow 3mm…
So far 2 of us has pleny of space in their jawbone…

Well, what was needed for the OG Titan?

They would likely need to make new tooling I imagine.

I guess so, but I’d rather ask.

not likely :frowning: the other thing is the welding process heats the titanium pretty good and therefore the “width” needs to be thick enough, with enough thermal mass, to avoid overheating the magnetic materials that form the core.


So the other options would be getting the implant with the largest well possible and get the finished magnet machined back if needed.
Doesn’t sound like a cheap project, especially if the magnet has to be sterilised again.
…I need to do a LOT of research… will be back when I’m smarter :nerd_face:

Go to Asia spend far far less than that and have an awesome holiday with plenty of change left over…

Oh wait



Go to Europe and stay the fuck there for future affordable health care needs.


Little late to the game here but has anyone had decent sensing results implanting the titan in the wrist/forearm area?

@mrln would be able to give you some information about it. They had one installed at the top side of the wrist from what I recall.


oops thats my bad. Thanks @Atilla

Ops. Seems like I’ve missed this thread!!

Never got notified that I got flagged by you, @Atilla
@Pilgrimsmaster , is there something where if you flag someone under a reply tag it won’t fire off?


I ought to make a decent post about it yet.

In short…

Initial feeling was way better than I expected. Very crisp, very “sensy”. :star_struck:

Unfortunately, as expected, within a few months it dulled out to almost unnoticeable unless I was actively focusing on it. :pensive:
(I’ve had other wrist implants and this is normal. we actually hit our wrists in things so much that our brains can naturally filter that as “clutter” and we don’t even feel it)

Plus the downsides of anything “bumpy” implanted right on your wirst: you will hit it everywhere. :grimacing:
(Titan is very tall, so it will leave a bump unless you implant it deep enough that you might not even feel it.)

Ultimately I had to remove it after a much larger magnet found it’s way into a collision course with my wrist. :sweat_smile: