Thoughts on removing microchip if implanted too deep?

Hello everyone!

Just wanting to get some thoughts on removing microchips if they were implanted too deep.
I’ve seen Amal’s video on removing a normally implanted chip but I don’t think that will work for the ones in my hands as I can’t easily see them.

My plan is to remove one in each of my hand the once they heal up, purchase new chips to replace the old ones.

Any advice would be appreciated, thanks!

Are you having issues with them? How do you know they are too deep?


Hi i have a Next chip in my hand i cant see it i can only feel it i hope its not an issue, its near bone,
if its to deep you do I have to cut it out deep:slightly_frowning_face:

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This is not an issue… I can’t see any of my implants… it usually just means you have genetics that produce a slightly thicker fat layer in the skin than others.


Hi Amal
Thanks for replying promptly, the swelling has gone down, i believe everything is good👍

Best regards


Hello i have the same issue i can feel 2 of my chips but not the third. I really dont know where exactly the spark is. The chip reads fine but its annoying that i cant seem to find the chip when im pressing finger around the wound. Its 3 days since the chip was inserted. Will it move more towards the skin in time?

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Where is your spark implanted? I put mine in at the top of my forearm and I can’t feel it. Works fine though. why would it be “annoying” that you can’t feel it? 3 Days after implant you should not be poking around it. Leave it alone so it can get properly encapsulated.


its implanted at the regular spot

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I would think this is more of a personal preference issue… if the chip reads fine then you know its location and it is working for you… being able to feel it with your other finger while you poke at it is kinda better in my opinion… totally hidden upgrade feature!


Yes its more an personal issue. Nothing is wrong with the chip:) i was just wondering if it was a problem or of it will move towards the skin in time


It may move up closer to the skin over time… I’ve seen this in other situations, but I’ve also seen it just stay buried. The body is a funny thing.