it’s loads of people’s process!
better to be concerned and stay alert than undermine it and let something nasty grow!
So far everything looks great from your pics!
it’s loads of people’s process!
better to be concerned and stay alert than undermine it and let something nasty grow!
So far everything looks great from your pics!
I really love that statement! Guess that might be the way to go for most of us, but I like how you put that in a nutshell, kinda
Just something I use, incase anybody is looking for a video/audio editor for android
( there may be an apple version but )
I use it mainly to strip audio and trim video.
Simple interface
Works well
Now we wait for the iPhoneys to tell us about their amazing device
Looking great!
I want mine in the same location so I’m following your progress with great interest.
That is actually a nice app!
Appreciate the suggestion!
Although I seldom have patience for using a mobile as a work platform.
I tend to make do with Shotcut for editing.
But will give Timbre a go!
Thanks for the recommendation. I’m so used to my Adobe suite I use Adobe rush.
Evening progress update. It looks ok, it’s throbbing like crazy and I’m at the daily max of naproxen so I’ll just have to grit my teeth. I’m basically being a big baby and my partner and puppy are not impressed.
Looking good!
Is that redness just dried blood (like almost a scab), or is it still gooey?
Hope the pain goes away soon!
Yup we are nearly on scab land. No more goo since I uncovered it this morning.
so everything is going fine!! ^^
oh… you best be prepared. That puppy is somethin’ else
Morning update.
I think the titan looks better, it feels a lot less miserable.
Glad to hear! ^^
I am particularly interested in your experience with it!
Been running some comparison between new and old antenna for that format and got kinda scared with some of the results.
But probably a card reader pumps out some more Oomph, and a card’s chip is faster than the magic one I have with that butterfly…
In short, I’m really curious about how easy terminals will read your implant, if you don’t mind sharing! (In another thread or dm) ^^
If it’s new, yes. every new led has a tendency to look like it’s red first
I can only compare it to the wearable keychain format it came with, since I dont have any wedge flex implants in me (my first flex was a jumbo and this is the second) my initial impression is that the implant in its sterile bag reads better than the keychain (I have a spare keychain to compare) with my iphone XR as the reader.
Before implanting it i attented to pay at the pet store with one of those readers that has a grey panel on the side. It kept waiting for the card to appear even though i rubbed it up against it. There were other people waiting so i got freaked out and left but it immediately read with my phone from a fair distance.
I was gonna implant it regardless and see what happens but my installer put his foot down and drove me to the gas station where we could find a payment machine. He explained to the cashier that is was an implant we needed to test before it went in my arm and she thought it was cool and helped us out. It took a few seconds till i figured out how to show it to the reader but then it read without a problem, so we went again with the instal and my account two euros lighter.
Today, no read at all from my phone but im not surpised given the swelling. I will post more about it when its all healed up.
Yeah, it went in on Sunday too, about 10 minutes before the titan and right after the xLED. It was an implantathon.
Seems consistent with what I’m seeing…
Being in the hand should make you learna “sweet move” that helps it being less fiddly, I believe. ^^
Think I’ll make a thread with some solid tests if I get some time today.
Love what you did there!
Short update cause I’m mind blown:
Through the swelling I can feel my laptop fans through the keyboard, like my parylene magnets do but… crisper… stronger… and this is with my feeling still all messed up from the install.
Distance between my finger and the keyboard.
Cool! Thats about the distance i can feel my laptop fan with the HEALED Xg3
It also totally blew my mind when I got the first sensations!
The blender is really crazy!
I can feel it up to 15cm
I get something like that, maybe a bit more distance with my parylene ones, microwave gives me about 80cm but it feels duller and it took longer to get there