Titan Install, flexNExT Replacement

I’ll give it a shot if it doesn’t reduce more over the course of today or so. I saw @Satur9 had success with it in their thread about the magnet removal, so that was something I was thinking about trying out as well!

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Update: the hematoma seems to be settling down finally. It went through a variety of ups and downs (literally), and at one point seemed real tight, but I’ve just been staying on top of keeping it bandaged and taking it as easy as possible (though that’s not been the easiest since I’ve had to do go be more active than normal in the last week and a half - going to get my vaccine, working around the house and whatnot). I tried the baking soda poultice, but didn’t have much luck there unfortunately. It ended up lightly bruising, but I’ve just tried to keep it under control as much as possible, and now I’m going on day 3 in a row of it shrinking, so I think I’m finally over the hump (pun intended?)

I also think I figured out the cause - I’m a drummer, and there were definitely times where I was drumming during the initial healing period, so I’m pretty sure the shock of holding a big vibrating mass in my hand really wasn’t pleasant for my healing wound (an issue I didn’t run into last time since I was still recovering from my motorcycle accident, which made it prohibitively painful to move my arm, let alone try and drum). Who could have guessed?

Good news :slight_smile: how’s the Titan doing?

Really good! I realized a little too late that my hematoma wasn’t affecting my Titan, so I should have removed my stitches for the Titan a couple days earlier than I did, so they were a little irritated pulling them out, but that’s really been the only “problem”, and it’s a stretch to call it that. The magnet has settled a little closer to the top of the skin than during the initial install, so it protrudes a little on the side of the finger, but nothing that indicates there’s any problems.

I’ve still not noticed any fields yet, but it does still feel a little uncomfortable when another magnet passes too close to it (the magnet on my work laptop sometimes catches my finger) so it’s possible it just needs more time to settle.