Titan Install, flexNExT Replacement

Back at it again y’all.

So yesterday I got my Titan installed, and my flexNExT replaced with my discMN in the same session. Since I already gave such a long write up on the flexNExT install I had done, it’d probably be redundant to reiterate how the procedure went down, as it was essentially identical. Things of note this time around:

  • My installer mentioned that it would probably hurt more this time around, as the placement of the implant made it so that it preventatively difficult to shoot the anesthetic under it, and they were certainly not lying. They still applied local anesthetic, but I definitely felt a lot more of the fascia separation process. All I can say is that @Mariarangok is a true champ. Because of this, I also feel like the post-op pain is much more noticeable and just more unpleasant in general.
  • Because my original flexNExT has migrated over towards the original incision site, it was actually slightly passed where the original scar, so my installer had to make an incision lower than the previous scar instead of using the same one. No harm no foul here for me personally.

The real treat of the day was my Titan install though. I’ve wanted a fingertip magnet for many years now, and while I had, at one time, planned on getting one (risks of failure be damned), my hobbies of rock climbing and playing music ended up convincing me that it was a bad idea to get on in my fingertip. As such, I thought about where I could get a magnet implanted, and settled on the side of the base of my ring finger, known medically as the proximal phalanx of that finger. I was slightly skeptical of how easily it could be done and what the risks would be (the blood vessels not cooperating, accidentally damaging the palmar digital nerve that runs up the side of the finger and losing sensation in the rest of my finger, etc), but after talking with my installer about it, decided to go for it. The installation ended up being a complete breeze. The installer injected local anesthetic around the phalanx in question (they didn’t perform a full digital block - not sure how common or uncommon that is for these procedures), and once the anesthetic had taken hold, they made a small incision on from the top side of my finger, parallel to the phalanx. Once open, they used a small dermal elevator to separate the fascia, then used a small round elevator to widen the pocket on the inside. The magnet pushed in fairly easily, and then they used of of the smaller elevators to push the magnet in a little further, held the magnet in place through the skin(so it didn’t attach to the tool), and removed the tool. 2 stitches, and it was done.

As far as aftercare, I’m doing the same stuff for my disc install as before (cleaned with anti-bacterial soap, cover with tegaderm). The magnet, being such a smaller incision, is just getting clean and superglue (recommended by the installer as well, in case anyone doubts the efficacy of that). I took a couple photos from my phone, I’ll post em up here shortly. Not great quality, but it’s what I got for now haha.


neat write over! and thanks for the share!!

Glad to see it went all good!

Curious for the healing process, and how it behaves once you go back to your hobbies!!

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Ha! Didn’t think about that specific problem! :smile:

But yeah, sounds really great - nice writeup, and I’m looking forward to some pictures!

Pictures ahoy. These were taken about 6 hours after the install, after a wash with soap and water but nothing else applied.




Since my body hates sutures with a passion, I feel uncomfortable by just looking at the stitches on your finger - don’t you always “rub” them when moving your fingers? :grimacing:

But on a more serious note - stitches look great, your artist did a good work again :wink:
Wish you a fine healing time!

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Actually, this is a good point to bring up! My installer did the incision higher up on the finger than the picture makes it look, so the stitches themselves actually sit above where my pinky contacts my ring finger.

Now, unfortunately, I’ve been using the super glue to help keep the wound waterproofed, and the super glue is a fat was, which does rub against my finger, and I can confirm that I hate it haha. Once this round of glue dries up, I’m considering just nixing the glue and leaving it be, but we’ll see.

Thank you :slightly_smiling_face: I always appreciate the niceness!

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Thanks for the pics!!

Really looks like a great job from your artist!
Can’t even see the bump!

That’s the only reason my kit includes a set of plastic tweezers! :sweat_smile:

They are shit, but don’t get stuck to magnets. :stuck_out_tongue:

I like to let all my incisions breathe as much as I can, but cover them if there’s risk of getting them dirty.

In which case I would recommend some waterproof bandages instead of superglue.

That’s not only because of the rubbing, but also because applying superglue to a wound is tricky, especially done single-handedly. And if there’s any gap between the skin edges, superglue might sip in between them, which acts against the healing instead (by making a layer in between the edges, preventing them to reattach).

Good thing that once you pull the glue off, such “layer” always comes out with the superficial one. So no risk there…

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Hey, sorry to pester you again, @Ottomagne, any updates? How are you doing? How does the placement feel? Does it bother you that the magnet touches your pinky?

No worries! Was gonna post an update yesterday but I ended up going to sleep earlier than usual.

Yesterday, I cleaned up (antibacterial soap and triple antibiotic ointment) and changed out my tegaderm, and then I actually cut a small strip of tegaderm to out over the magnet install, and it’s worked out really well. Ever since I removed the glue, I haven’t had any issues with rubbing or irritation from the magnet placement. The magnet itself is still super low m-key, and can’t be seen under the skin. I forget it’s there honestly :sweat_smile: I still haven’t felt it vibrate for anything yet, but its placement has worked well so far.

Only thing that’s out of the ordinary is that there is a specific tendon in my hand that feels sensitive. As far as I can tell, it’s the tendon for my ring finger, so it’s possible that the magnet has irritated that in some way, but I can’t say for sure. It’s not painful or anything - it just feels like my tendon is sore, like I used it to do something strenuous and it’s recovering. I expect this to get better still (it’s only been just about a week since initial install), so I’m just keeping an eye on it to see what do.

Moral of the story: looks like the placement seems like it’s working out well from a logistics point of view. Have to wait to see how it reacts to fields to have a better idea of its value long term, but so far it’s a thumbs up from me!


the way I feel is just a tingly sensation spread out.

The more I practice, the more it feels like when you perceive static electricity.

it is even more possible that the “internal bloatiness” of a fresh install might be pushing the tendon ever so slightly, and that would be enough to make it sensitive.

Good news that that should ease out by itself.

Thanks for the share!

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Another update: haven’t been taking care of my wrist flexMN as well as I should be, so it suddenly inflamed to a worringly large size, something that never happened to my flexNExT. Gonna try to take care of it better now and I’m not SUPER concerned since it’s not red or more painful than it was before (aka, it doesn’t look like an infection), but I’m watching it really closely. It looks real not good lol.

Edit: it might be a fairly large amount of fluid build up? I didn’t experience that with the flexNExT, but reading @anon3825968 's experiences, it seems like it was a semi-common occurrence. It’s roughly the radius of a golfball, so it’s quite large, but like I said, I’m not too concerned about it yet. It’s just something worth an update.


It sounds like you might need to consider some compression

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Yep, that’s what I’m doing. Alternating compression and icing it.

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Mostly though keep it elevated as much as possible

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This, totally. Keeping it up and moving it as little as possible has helped with fluid buildup a lot for me…

Is the swelling kinda soft (like liquid underneath) or rather hard? Mine was infected in the end, and it felt hard, warm and fucking painful… so I guess if that happens, you might realize it fast :wink:
As long as that’s not the case, just try to give it some rest :wink:

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Definitely soft - I poked at it earlier, and the inflammation felt squishy and moved, which is actually what reminded me of the possibility of it just being fluid build up. Keeping it high and compressed, hopefully will show signs of improvements in a couple days.

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That’s a good sign!

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Is it red, hot to the touch?

Nope, not at all. Perhaps inflammation is not the correct term for it, as it really doesn’t present any symptoms of an infection and it doesn’t seem anything more than swelling. Definitely seems to be a build up of fluid, and it’s definitely reduced in size overnight (kept the arm elevated all night), so I’m less concerned now than I was last night. The rapid onset of it all really just caught me off guard - I had been checking in on it throughout the day, and the initial swelling onset within an hour or so, so it just happened really fast.

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YMMV but bi-carb/baking soda poultices have helped me on several occasions of fluid build up. When I sprained my knee a few years ago, it filled with so much fluid that the skin was pulled so taught it was almost painful. Baking soda poultice really help draw some of the fluid out overnight.

Again, YMMV but they’re cheap and easy to make, give it a shot if it doesn’t subside :+1: