Titan install sharing thread

Ok, so it is currently the second day after my install, so I thought I might flesh out my experiences and provide a small update:

My install:

I have a batch #1 titan that was installed on the 29th of July at around 2:45pm GMT+10:00. It was install into -R0 (i.e. palm side of the very common P0 in my right hand) with a standard 4G piercing needle provided by my piercer.

My installer is the wonderful Jackie at The Piercing Shop Brisbane, in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia. This was her first titan install, though she has done multiple xSeries and flex installs prior (including 2 xSeries in me). It cost me under $100 AUD, using their stock of 4G needles. I’m not sure how much autoclaving the custom needles costs though I will find out soon as I have a flexM1 or 2 to go in.

For pain management I attempted to use the numbing gel, applying it directly to the area and the putting the bandage DT includes over it. This was left on for just over 2 hours, but as I’ll get into shorty, it wasn’t super effective.

As for the actual install it was… interesting. As I mentioned above / elsewhere, I don’t tend to handle needles well in any situation. First the numbing gel was removed and the area was cleaned thoroughly, and an estimated final position was marked. Then the pocket was created… :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: it hurt, despite the numbing gel. There was the first pain as it was pushed until the bevel, and then a slightly different one as the pocket itself was created. I’m pretty sure the numbing gel did do something, as I could feel the weirdness when cleaning my hand / tenting, but it wasn’t enough. Maybe it was time, or amount, or something completely different :man_shrugging:t2:. Then the magnet was placed into the pocket, this took 2-3 tries as the magnet stuck to the tweezers. A bit of gauze plus pressure to help stop the bleeding.

Right about this point I began to feel pretty terrible, like has happened in the past, so the chair was put into a lying down position, and I had some cold water / juice. Unfortunately unlike the previous time with xSeries / vaccinations, I also became quite nauseous, and ended up (gross) puking, though my piercer was prepared for that sort of situation. I actually felt so much better after that though, and about 10 minutes later with a strip plus a breathable bandage on I walked out and caught an Uber home. Because of all of this, I have no pictures / video of the install, sorry :pensive:.

Despite all this I’m likely to repeat this at least 2-3 more times for future flexes :rofl:. The things we do right?


Day of install

I basically got home, took two paracetamol and two ibuprofen and took a nap for 3 hours. Unfortunately not long after I woke up, it started bleeding but that only lasted 30 seconds to a minute before stopping. I had some dinner, took another round of painkillers, watched some TV and then went to bed where I had a relatively restless night. I tried to keep my hand still / not use it at all, and generally hold it up.

Day 1

This was the day that I first changed the bandage, probably should have been earlier due to the bleeding, but oh well. Here are some pics of just after removing the bandage and after a bit of cleanup.

(Old blood)

Only took one round of painkillers on day 1, was surprisingly painfree, which is good. Definitely looks swollen though, and am trying not to move it too much.

Day 3-5

Pretty uneventful, generally left it along / tried not to get it wet. No pain / soreness, but definitely feels really weird / not the best range of movement. Also I would not recommend leaving old blood on the skin for too long - it’s really hard to clean it off :rofl:.

Here’s a pic on day 5: