Titan install sharing thread

Mere mortals, FEAR MY MAGNET POWERS!!!

Or else, I will stick all your paperclips to the back of my hand, one at a time!

O.K. So I had a very productive visit with Pineapple today.

First, cost to install was 250 each, with a 100 dollar deposit (that you get back).

I got there about 2 hours early, and slathered the numbing gel on the back of both hands and covered in the provided bandaids.

Install is between the metacarpals in the backs of both hands.

The pain was about 1/10th of what the NeXT was like. Much more manageable. This is probably because I was marinated in numbing gel. Still.

The Austin location is kinda weird, it’s a neighborhood with nice stuff in it, and a HUGE homeless population. I needed to eat before hand, and I really needed to take a leak. The only food I could find was a nearby Wendy’s (which was gross, but did the job) and no bathrooms, as all the businesses kept their public areas inaccessable, presumably to avoid being overwhelmed.

The work itself was really cleanly done. I don’t have, or need stitches. Just a couple of small cuts that could pass for paper cuts. Pineapple instructed me not to get it too wet, and maybe put a little superglue on it if I wanted to. After pain was very very minor, and pretty much gone in less than an hour. The worst after pain I experienced was when I accidentaly ripped up a corner of the tape and yanked some hair off the back of my hand.

Covered what I could think of to say, but I left at 2 am and got back at 10 pm with only a couple hours break in there. I’m pretty tired. Ask anything you want, especially if I missed something.