Titan install sharing thread

Update on mine after 10 Days.
The day after it was implanted it seemed extremely sensitive to the CPU inside my laptop, I could feel it at a distance of 4cm. But that faded substantially to 1cm, although this seems to vary a lot, sometimes not at all and sometimes 2 cm away (While CPU at 100% load). Maybe from how the magnet is laying inside the pocket? Its more sensitive if pressure is applied from a bandage.
Also the patch of skin above the pocket has lost feeling but seems like its slowly returning. Good to mention this for others, as before the implant I didnt hear about this untill I asked.
Superglue was used to close the cut but i would not recommend this if avoidable as the glue seemed to keep the skin from properly closing up and healing.

You’re likely sensing the CPU cooling fan, not the CPU itself. The cooling fan also spins at dynamic RPMs that change based on cooling need. Get a diagnostic software that can show you fan RPMs and maybe you’ll start to see some connection between sensitivity and fan speed.



Especially if you stick your finger in the blades :slight_smile:


What im feeling is definitely the CPU, I’ve disassembled the Laptop and know where the CPU, GPU and fans are, they use low voltage but a ton of amps (up to 25 Amps). I can also feel the fans but they are much fainter then the CPU and GPU and only at the fastest RPM.
The CPU power consumption I confirmed to be the same with monitoring software.

Interesting… I can’t fathom what exactly would be producing such a strong field from a CPU… what make and model CPU is it?

I wonder if it has magnetic core memory? :laughing:


Can you feel the CPU load? Now that would be friggin’ awesome!

Just checked a bit closer and its not coming directly from the CPU but rather from the power converters for the CPU (they are directly beside the CPU).
Its basically an electromagnet since under load it pulls around 25 Amps and can pull bursts of 40 Amps. Its an Intel i5 8250U (40 Watts), and the GPU is a GTX 1050 that probably pulls over 50 Amps (calculated from power pulled and core voltage) but I cant confirm with software, only with the Titan because the sensing is much stronger than the CPU power converters.
Its doesn’t feel like a magnet but more a buzzing like fans, probably because the load constantly changes.

I can feel roughly the amount of load (Power pulled) the CPU and GPU are under. Its interesting because if its not under 100% load, it sometimes gives short powerful pulses when a program quickly processes something and the boosts the clock speed. Wont happen if I disable boosting.

Oh man, that’s brilliant… You should find a job as a human bitcoin mining inspector: get contracted by companies to detect when hackers or employees run bitcoin mining operations on the company servers simply by sticking your finger inside the server case :slight_smile:

Finally got my Titan installed. :heart_eyes:

This was a self install, I did try to record the procedure but my filming skills are terrible. I’ll try and edit something together.

This is one week on.

A massive thanks to a certain member. :hugs:

I was a bit concerned about the amount of traveling the Titan has done, made a decent sized pocket but it has managed to work its way towards the incision point.



Just got my Titan installed by Arnulf from Stigmata in Cologne, Germany.
Install went smooth and was over in less than 10 minutes. Arnulf is an amazing guy, super nice and open. 10/10 will probably go again.
Thanks @Coma for recommending him.

I might or might not keep you guys posted on the healing process, depends on my free-time.



I’m house cleaning, and I just found my first gen Titans still in the box.
Had to dust them off. :unamused:

Maybe this Christmas break would be a good time for a stabbing.


Hey, you’re welcome! Glad you’re as happy with him as I am :wink:
Did he manage to get it into the finger? When I talked to him last time, he was a bit concerned if they fit in there^^

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Just remember to go to Arnulf… I know Cologne might be a distance to travel, but he has skills and experience. :unicorn_clap_clap:


He did quite easily actually, but it had to be the middlefinger thought. The other ones would be too risky because of the size he said. But I’m fine with that ^^

Might be your finger couldn’t accommodate :slight_smile:

Yeah, that might be a problem… :woman_shrugging:

Mayyyyybe it can fit in mine as well… we’ll see :wink:

Yeeeeah! Let’s make him our main Titanist^^


It’s been almost a year that I’ve had my Titans now. I finally contacted Pineapple to see about getting an install scheduled around Christmas break time.

Basically I’m thinking of installing on the back of the hand between (and slightly behind) the knuckles. I’ve asked Pineapple his opinion on this location, but what’s yours? Too risky? Tendons? Veins? Blue dot on picture is spot I’m thinking of.

Also this is cause I just really don’t want to do fingertips, and I work with a lot of sharp steel shavings.

I don’t think youll get as much sensation in that location VS other places. What were pineapples thoughts?