Too small for sensing?

So whole waiting for Titan batch 3 I decided to install, SILICONE ENCASED FINGERTIP MAGNET - 2.54MM X 4.191MM from Steve Haworth and I’m now wondering if the magnet is too small to sense with in my ring finger. These are things I should really think about before buying and installing huh :sweat_smile:

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hmm i doubt it’s too small… but you might have to wait a while before you start feeling things. my hunch is that the silicone will also dampen certain sensations and frequencies since it’s kinda like a wiggling thing inside a jump of jello… the vibrations don’t translate out very well.

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As per usual, it seems I was being over dramatic… My self install seems to be a success I am able to sense power in my laptops power cord and somewhere underneath the keyboard I can feel something from it. Pretty much no pain unless I press on it really hard.