Transport card on xDF2 DESFire EV2 8kB NFC

Hello just wondering befor purchase i found out my local transport cards run desfire ev1 on their cards. Is it possible to copy the card into the chip?
Is it possible to have more than 1 card on the chip?
Attached a photo fron the full scan on the transport card


Hrmm, that’s interesting. I’m reasonably confident you can’t copy the transport card onto the implant. The UID is usually part of the identification process, and that can’t be changed to match the transport card. If it doesn’t use the UID, just the user memory, then you might be able to copy all the data over and trick the system.

Another option is to try and enroll the implant at a terminal as a new card, but usually that’s difficult because the card issuer doesn’t allow you to “bring your own” card.

How do you initially sign up for the card? Is it a kiosk or a person or by mail.


i just go to a kiosk and say i want a card. and they can add money on it if i want

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Do you need to return the card at any point? Do you top* it up through NFC?

If you don’t need to return it and don’t have to insert it anywhere to top it up, you could try asking @amal or the team here you convert the card into an implantable.

You would be without the card for a while though, and that’s assuming its possible.

*edit: meant top up with money


Just after realising that my own transport card uses EV1 as well.

Here’s mine.


No i dont need to return it:)

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If that’s the case, and your able top it up wirelessly, then have a look on the store are reach out to them to see if its possible. You may need to send them the card so they can evaluate if they could convert it.

Here’s the services page from their store. It doesn’t explicitly say EV1, but like I said, they’d have to evaluate it first probably.


so the ev2 implant cant act like a ev1 implant?

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Answering that is beyond me I’m afraid. I’m only giving you an alternative if it is in fact impossible to emulate on the EV2.


No clue on if the Ev2 can pretend to be an Ev1, but you’d still be stuck with the UID problem.
Ev cards don’t have the same backdoor as things like the Mifare Classic 1k that allow you to change the UID to match another card and without that it’s doubtful your transit card would work properly.


Yes it can, it supports full backward compatibility… but the point here is that the chip itself is like having a new laptop and bringing that to a company and saying “i want to run your internal programs on my laptop”. The chances of getting them to init your chip with their AIDs required for the transit ticketing application they developed around the DESFire EV1 is very unlikely.

The other down side is that this init process is fully expecting to “own” the “card”, meaning it will configure it however it wants to configure it, change the master keys on it, and then lock you out of doing anything else with it… so basically the same result as taking the transit card and implanting that.

Finally, they could, at any time, invalidate that chip. This happens all the time because the system expects everything to be a card the user can simply toss out, so sometimes they invalidate cards or even whole lines of chips (let’s say, ironically, they move to the EV2 chip and want everyone to update their cards).

The only real solution would be to partner with the transit company to make an implant-friendly integration… and in that case we’d want that integration to work with VivoKey and our APIs.