Trying to flash iceman on my proxmark3 easy and getting this error


It looks like I need to flash the main firmware in this error, but I do not know how to proceed.

Waiting for Proxmark3 to appear on com3
[|] 59 found
[+] Entering bootloader…
[+] (Press and release the button only to abort)
[+] Waiting for Proxmark3 to appear on com3
[/] 48 found
[!!] ====================== OBS ! ===========================================
[!!] Note: Your bootloader does not understand the new CMD_BL_VERSION command
[!!] It is recommended that you first update your bootloader alone,
[!!] reboot the Proxmark3 then only update the main firmware

[=] Available memory on this board: UNKNOWN

[!!] ====================== OBS ! ======================================
[!!] Note: Your bootloader does not understand the new CHIP_INFO command
[!!] It is recommended that you first update your bootloader alone,
[!!] reboot the Proxmark3 then only update the main firmware

[=] Permitted flash range: 0x00100000-0x00140000
[+] Loading ELF file …\firmware_win\bootrom\bootrom.elf
[+] Loading usable ELF segments:
[+] 0: V 0x00100000 P 0x00100000 (0x00000200->0x00000200) [R X] @0x94
[+] 1: V 0x00200000 P 0x00100200 (0x00000d28->0x00000d28) [R X] @0x298

[+] Loading ELF file …\firmware_win\fullimage.elf
[+] Loading usable ELF segments:
[+] 0: V 0x00102000 P 0x00102000 (0x0003f8e8->0x0003f8e8) [R X] @0x94
[!!] Error: PHDR is not contained in Flash
[!!] Firmware probably too big for your device
[+] All done

Have a nice day!
Press any key to continue . . .

To me, from the look of your output, it seems the bootloader of your proxmark3 was actually updated… did it not take? This is all part of the pain in the ass we worked around for you with the proxmark3 on sale at

If the bootloader will not update over the wire, you might need to try JTAG programming…