Using RFIDuino wont read my NExT

I got a Next a couple of weeks ago and my iphone reads it just fine. I also got a rfiduino shield and it arrived today. After getting the library i tried one of the example codes and none of them seem to be working except the testing one that flashed the red and green light along with the buzzer.
Just wanted to know if im doing or if there is anything i can do to get it to read.

Are you placing the antenna perpendicular to your NExT?

Can you share a photo of how you are trying to read it?


Here you go brother

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Is your LF side setup as an EM4100? Asking because that thing hits my NExT at quite a distance. See the video on the product page around 15 seconds. We’ve been playing with it again at the office a lot lately.

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yeah so i grabbed this blue 125khz fob i got and the rfiduino shield reads that,. Im trying to find the keychain that the box came with.

I have the card with me and the LF light shows up if that helps

Ah, if you just got it installed recently and haven’t changed it, it should be setup as one. That’s how we ship them.

I think I may have misunderstood. It sounds like one of the examples is working but the rest aren’t? Have you tried this one?

just tried it and it works with the blue fob i have and the diagnostic test card. But it doesnt work with the implant, im still looking for the keychain. I have tried using a cheap chinese rfid cloner with my implant but it never recognized it, dont know if that messed with the implant or not.

What code are you using? We noticed a significant drop in performance with certain duty cycles. Basically certain ways of implementing sleep or power saving can adversely affect the ability for the reader to get a good read with implants… we’re still not sure why and we’re looking into updating the library to address it, once we figure it out :slight_smile:

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Im using the RFIDuino_output_test.ino to test if the thing lit up and worked and it did. Right now i have the RFIDuino_csv_logger loaded up.

Here’s a bunch of annoying beeps where I can’t seem to find a bad angle with my NExT.

Is the antenna near metal? :thinking:

Heh, I somehow forgot about that… It was well worth the time tuning it. 34ma @ 5v idle is a huge improvement over the 113ma(?) always on.

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Thnx for trying to help, I’m gunna go to sleep for now. but i think ill get a flipper zero or a proxmark3 because i did try using a chinese cloner and while it didnt work when trying to read/write my implant maybe it messed with it like in this forum.