Hello all,
I heard about DangerousThings around two years ago from a video posted by Motherboard, and I was interested ever since. Fast forward to the present, and I am now a college student and I frequently use my student ID with an NFC chip to unlock the door to my dorm. I am extremely interested in getting one of these microchips, possibly the XM1, to replace my student ID, and maybe show off a little.
That being said, through my research in the past few hours it seems that finding the right chip that is compatible with the scanners on my campus will be difficult, so I am heading to the technology office tomorrow and I am going to attempt to find out what kind of equipment they use.
This is where I need your help: What kinds of questions should I be asking them?
Admittedly I don’t know much about this kind of technology so if anyone would be willing to help that would be amazing.
Thank you,
You are correct in that you’ll need to know what kind of tag they use in order to know what implant to get (or if it’s even possible)
If you have an android phone with NFC, download the app “NFC Tools” and try to scan the card. But just knowing the tag type is only half the battle, depending on the tag.
The Dangerous Things diagnostic card is also handy to have around to see what frequency the readers are. Though there are dual frequency readers so it may only provide a piece to a bigger puzzle.
Objective #1 is to find out what tag they are using, then from there the next step depends on what tag they are using. I highly doubt anyone will be able to tell you anything about the system. Most security people haven’t a clue about this stuff. They just know it’s a card and they know how to add/remove it from the system. And if they do know, they may not tell you anyway…you know… for security reasons. But it can’t hurt to ask.
Thanks for the reply, man. They couldn’t tell me much but I looked at the brand of the reader and found it online: Schlage MT15 Multi-Technology Reader | GoKeyless
Any ideas on what I’d need?
That just confirms it’s a dual frequency reader. So you still need to know which frequency they are actually using.
Have you scanned the card with the app? Actually I recommend an app “Tag Info” by NXP is what I meant to say.
Gotcha. I have an iPhone but I’ll see if anyone has a galaxy that can help me out. Thanks again for the quick reply!