UV tattoos and borging up

Yeaaaah, sorry, I’m really lazy currently :smile:
It’s still glowing, and I don’t think it has degraded much - it’s really hard to capture it on camera, but that’s roughly what it looks like now (though with a bit more daylight because the cam was bitchy):

The blue-greenish ink is brighter, but the green one seems to glow longer, at least that’s what it looks like when I poke it with UV light.

Main problem is, my legs don’t get much light during the day, so I can’t tell how much the ink would glow by itself - so today, I decided to try some different placement and poked my fingers. I’m still a bit sad that I suck at tattooing, but I love to be my own little experiment :smile:
I used both green and blue-green (is that what you mean with aqua, @asdf?) powder with relatively little liquid (just enough so it wasn’t a paste but a rather thick fluid). Right now, about an hour after tattooing, it looks like it didn’t work at all (there are so many spots with seemingly no pigments), but I know that from my leg already - when it settles, after about 2-3 days, it usually looks better. Though I have to say, poking fingers really sucks a bit, you can’t stretch the skin (unless you have three hands), the skin itself it pretty thin, and it really doesn’t help that I use nearly invisible ink and can hardly work with liners or stencils, so it’s sometimes more of an educated guess where the lines should go :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Really curious to see your results :slight_smile: