Vivokey forum invite?

I can see it on mobile (android) and desktop (Linux Firefox and windows chrome) with adblockers on both.

I have not setup any vivo key stuff.


I agree that this is probably not an iOS issue. Iā€™m on iOS now and see it.


I think this is the winning answer - Iā€™m not really bothered by it, happy with User and Pass anyway, I donā€™t use an android. Just odd!

Tried on my Mac in Safari and Chrome, no joy even with ad blockers off, doesnā€™t seem to be browser related.

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yeah itā€™s probably something up with your profileā€¦ on the plus side, itā€™s reproducible so we can fix the problem and update the plugin.


More than happy to guinea pig for the cause in the name of science!


Out of interest whatā€™s the steps to reproduce? :thinking:

Be @Compgeek - reproduces the issue 100% of the time :wink:


Haha but you are one of a kind @Compgeek we canā€™t reproduce you!

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actually this is exactly what i meantā€¦ his account simply doesnā€™t work, so it should be possible to sort out why and fix the pluginā€¦ unless of course there is something so fundamentally broken about compgeek as a person that it extends to his digital accounts - that we canā€™t fix :wink: hahaaah


No fundamental issues with my other digital accounts, doubt my many other fundamental issues are related to this :wink:


:slight_smile: well iā€™ll poke around in the database and logs to see if there is anything obviousā€¦ thanks for bringing it up!


This does not work, it asks to scan a QR code with ā€˜the vivokey appā€™- there is no Vivokey App in the Playstore, just the Apex Manager- which can not scan this QR code.

sorry it says the app is for an older version of Android and not available.

Im running Android Version 13 and it works on mine.

I have had it for a number of years though.

What are you wanting to use it for?
Logging into the Forum?

You can use it to set up your proflie with links and business card etc.
Is that something you are interested in?

Yes and just see what else it can do/ store some data?

I have no idea what the Spark can do so far.

Iā€™m also on Android 13 but unable to install. Is there a direct link to the APK? Many thanks

I just saw your other post, Ill continue to answer you here.

let me see if I can find something for you, but my guess is the PlayStore version is the latest version

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This one is also Version 1.4
you maybe able to install it if you enable ~ ā€œallow apps from unknown sourcesā€