Vivokey forum invite?

Can I not just scan the tag to log in?

Try this for a start whilst I’ll try and find you the Vivokey forum one…

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Got it!

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Sorry to dig up an old thread - Amal’s is locked and wanted to put this with something relevant instead of starting a new one.

I can’t see the Vivokey linking options in my profile! If I log out, then I can see an option to log in with Vivokey, but can’t get a button to link to my existing account.

On the Vivokey forum I can’t even see an option to log in with Vivokey, I have the option for email and password only.

How do I get in on the fun?

EDIT: Just realised I’m trying to log into the wrong Vivokey forum… oops… leaving my stupidity here incase someone searches for similar issues. Still can’t link to my DT forum account though!


Does this not help with your account?


@Kinanizer I believe he’s asking about accessing the VivoKey forum.

The post you linked seems more related to this forum.

Is that so @NiamhAstra

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I should have obviously reread the post… I read it before the edit. My bad…

Yes, it is so. At the time I truly did:


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My post was on two separate issues, first was logging in to Vivokey Members, all resolved now (I was trying to get into Forum not Members)

The second was as you linked, linking my Vivokey to my DT Forum account, following those instructions doesnt work for me, theres no linking button in my Preferences under 2FA.

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Technically it’s not associated with 2FA… it’s a new section just under multifactor called Associated Accounts…

What does your screen look like?


Can you show some screen shots of what you see?


Possibly not the best phrasing, I meant the whole section below 2FA is missing for me, screenshot attached.




What browser are you using, and do you have any adblocking or similar plugins?


Safari on an iPad Pro (mobile safari, reporting desktop Safari user agent), and by default yes, but no difference with content blocking disabled.

I suspected that since iOS can’t run the Vivokey app that the option may be hidden, but doesn’t seem to be the case, all the login buttons show, and over on VivoKey Members I can see the Associated Accounts section on Safari.


@Pilgrimsmaster uses IOS right? Do you have any ideas?

Furthermore I might suggest trying to set it up on a desktop. You said you could still see the login with Vivokey option so that might work if you could get it setup another way.


tenor (10)

Stop using iOS


Agreed, and you only need to set it up once.

It is strange it is the first time anybody has mentioned it, there is surely other iOS users that would have come across it.
Maybe because you just dont know what you dont know.
:fu: :apple:

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yeah i think it’s a problem with the discourse profile… anyone else who hasn’t linked up their VivoKey ID yet have this problem?

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