Walletmor and XLed both in hand

Hi all,

At the end of the month I will finally have my walletmor installed in my hand. I also have an XLED HF lying around. Does anyone know if you can place them side by side in your hand?
Would be nice if I do a payment the led will turned on also.:sunglasses:


You can, normally the recommendation is to put glassies 5mm apart so they don’t physically impact on one another. As the Xled does not have any active NFC components it should not have any effect on the walletmor at all.

How close they can be is probably a question for @amal

I think @Satur9 mentioned something like this could throw tuning off or drain an amount of power effecting range maybe I’m misremembering though

I am slightly more positive that I remember that the axis of the x series and the flex are opposite so it may not work the way you want?


That video was great, and Im always happy to be wrong

(I did qualify that I could have been misremembering)

Any chance you can do a part 2 at some point and try with a different frequency match?

A 125khz and and 13.56

This is kind of hilarious actually… putting a giant coil of wire behind the reader to try to test the magnetic coupling :slight_smile:

Very nice video though. I just had to chuckle at it.