Walletmor - some questions

So what I’m hearing is we need ripperdocs!

Bout to get me some preem chrome my chooms.


Actually that might just be a result of English language confusion… the ambassador program is about you not the product… it kinda has to do with this…

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Interesting. because after reading it a couple times I reached the same conclusion as @anon3825968.

That said… that isn’t by far the only english/boilerplate confusion on their site… :roll_eyes:

I sure do hope they do well!
But the routes they are taking are way too dodgy.

Even this “we recommend hair transplant clinics” thing…
Here in Europe those Hair clinics are quite well known as “the dodgiest of all “surgery” places you can think of”.

That said, and to keep the theme of this post…
I also found another clinic that could do implants. It’s in Czech Republic. A Plastic surgery place.

They are so good that the Anesthesiologist not only can’t speak English, but he does not need to! he can guess you height and weight, without any instruments, and put you under right there, on eyeball measuring! :sweat_smile:
(I would not believe had I not seen that firsthand)

Wojtek and I are discussing all this feedback and Walletmor will be making changes. We’ve already addressed the use of “sterile” (@DonFire & @Coma) on the site, and we will be sorting out other concerns.

You guys and your feedback are critical to the success of Walletmor and its eventual integration with VivoKey.


Hello everyone,

First of all, thank you for the constructive feedback. I appreciate your effort. I am incredibly grateful for the comments from @anon3825968 and @Coma

I want to address all the statements and comments you made over there and make sure the project is legitimate.

  • So-called “hair transplant clinics” as recommended places to get the implant injected:
    Medical Esthetics Clinics is indeed specialized in hair transplant. However, over the last 25 years since they have been on the Polish market and then German, they expanded the range of services they offer. Even though hair transplant still accounts for most operations, they have multiple surgeons (working full time or as contactors) specialized in many domains - one of them being implanting whatever a customer wishes to implant. Yes, I signed the agreement with the CEO and major shareholder - Mirosław Korolczuk, and received extensive confirmation about the standard maintenance and expertise they provide. Let’s not forget that we are indeed trying to reach the newbies’ mass market, and it would be safer to reach out to the surgeon than to body modification.
  • the “ambassador” thing:
    yes, that is done purely for legal purposes. If you read the terms and conditions, you will see that what we are formally selling is the consulting service according to which Walletmor will provide you with all the information you need to get the implant and will act on your behalf before the Walletmor Foundation, which will get you the implant itself. In the EU, we cannot sell this implant as a product. That is the strategy we have taken.
  • the claims and everything that relates to the content
    ok, I am not going to lie. There may be some mistakes and photos that may be better off. That is why we need you, and we appreciate your extensive feedback to make sure we are providing the best possible content and describing it most transparently and legally. Having said that, I can confirm that the website will be updated during Christmas time to make sure that there are no lousy claims.

To sum up, I will be more than happy to talk to everyone who has any concerns making Walletmor as excellent, trustworthy, and as professional as possible. We value the most (your) customer-experience, and we are determined to work hard every day to pursue the perfection of our products and services, no matter if we are talking about the first implant or the end digital wallet infrastructure.

Please reach out to me at wojtek@walletmor.com if you want to discuss anything. I will undoubtedly reply to every email personally.


Wow - that’s a nice one! I was already a bit afraid that my regular criticizing (especially considering the term “sterile” :wink: ) might be getting on the nerves of people here, but this is a great reaction :slight_smile:

Nice to see that both important people of Walletmor are now active on this forum, might help a lot to sort things out.

I was a bit surprised about the following here…

…is that even possible in Germany? I know my bodmod artist has some limits, and as far as I know, “real” surgeons have much stricter limits even. I could imagine they risk their jobs if they implant whatever the customer likes, especially if it bears a (even so tiny) risk because of not being sterile. But I never ever reached out to a doc for bodymods, so I might have wrong informations on that :wink:

This is also true, sadly… there are a lot of very bad examples that lead to a very bad reputation of such clinics. So I’m not sure if you’re doing yourself a favour by recommending them, especially since at least the german homepage looks pretty shady. I have no real good idea on what to recommend, honestly - I know that the audience you’re reaching out for will not be too happy with visiting a bodymod-studio, so I understand that you’re trying to present a more “reputable” alternative… I just think that at least in Germany, hair transplantation clinics are even less reputable than bodmod-studios :smile:

Okay, one thing I would definitely wish for - make it clear and transparent that there are (very little) risks involved in the procedure. Don’t claim it’s “no-tiny-risk-ever”-safe, just claim that the implant requires proper installation and aftercare, and is of very low risk if that is provided. Don’t claim the procedure is “totally not painful”, some people even consider the injection of the anaesthetic painful… just claim it’s comparable to… dunno, getting a small injection or whatever :wink:
Because every company that makes such absolute claims looks suspicious for me…^^



Again, first for the feedback.

By implanting whatever customer wishes to implant I meant that whenever the customer is coming to the clinic with an implant, he needs to have a legal confirmation from the manufacture where a number of issues are clarified (assuming it is not a medical implant). If it is classified as medical implant, of course a ton of certifications is required.

@Coma - I will reach out to you after Christmas to discuss it further

Hi Wojtek,

Thank you for getting back to us and thank you for your candor. That alone pushes Walletmor right up my personal scale for companies I want to do business with. I’m sure I’m not alone.

Ah HA! I wasn’t so far off the mark then :wink:
Makes sense.

I will now - quite closely :slight_smile:

I probably will at some point, because you now have my full attention and I’m seriously considering getting one of your payment implants.

The only comment I have left is this: what you explained here is great, and makes things a lot clearer for all of us DT patrons. But I reckon this needs to be clearly and fully explained on your site also.

Incidentally Pilgrimsmaster, I dunno about you, but I have a feeling all this should probably move in the Walletmor questions thread :slight_smile:

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That’s an interesting one… not for me actually, for I love my bodmod-artist, piercer and all that and feel much more comfortable there than around “real” doctors, but might be something interesting for people like @anon3825968, who would rather have their implants done by a qualified surgeon :wink:

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Hi @wojtek, welcome to the forum.

What sort of media release are you planning?
Is there somewhere we should be watching?

Are you going to lead the charge by being the first Ambassador recipient and filming of the “first commercially available payment implants”?

We are all familiar with the quality and reliability of Amals products and also the install procedures associated with them, so once you are up and running with a proven service we will happily endorse your product.
I can imagine will be redirecting and reccomending to the frequent and many visitors asking about payment implants to your website and product.

Feel free to reach out here for any feedback; you would have seen we are willing to share our thoughts an opinions.

If I was in the EU I would be at the front of the queue to get a Walletmor.

I am excited to see how Walletmor goes and appreciate that it will help bridge this technology to the mainstream and wish you luck.

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Actually I’m looking for doctors for other, non-subdermal body modifications. Things body mod artists just won’t (or shouldn’t) touch.

I’m okay with body mod artists sticking stuff under my skin. I wish the closest to me wasn’t 400 mi away, but that’s fine. But functional modifications to muscles and tendons aren’t within their reach.

I know you’re okay with that, you just mentioned from time to time that you would feel more comfortable with “real doctors” doing it (what lead to me bombarding you with advanced training offers my bodmod artists had to take / wanted to take :wink: ).

Pretty sure not, no… unless you find a really experimental one who just happens to know how to do that :smile:
And I think it might be very hard to find a qualified surgeon who is willing to do that, as well… at least one you can trust. I think the only option would be if you’re good friends with a surgeon… who is effectively willing to risk his job for you.

What I want is something that was done in the 50s and 60s to rehabilitate amputees before myoelectric prostheses existed - on a very small scale, on a vestigial muscle. It’s called cineplasty and it’s definitely not experimental. It’s just not done anymore. And even if it goes south, it’s totally safe because the muscle is vestigial, so completely expandable.

It’s not so outlandish, but while I think my body artist could probably attempt it, he’d be crazy to even think about trying if he wants to stay out of jail :slight_smile:

And I’ll quit the derail now. Sorry…

so where can I buy this part, from the walletmor website? :thinking:


Well she does look nice, but you can’t buy her. Slavery has been abolished.


Right right, EEA only, missed that bit

I would just go to the Walletmor website in 8 Days, 8 hours and some minutes

It was a joke about the bad stock image


That’s a stock image??? :astonished:

I was expecting a holo-projected interactive implant…
So disappointed…
Just incase you’re wrong, I’m checking the website in 8 days 8 hours

So the ambassador thing and all other things have been cleared up: