What door lock in new build house?

Visibility is not too bad… it is mainly the size of the discs that offers advantages in terms of range.
I certainly don’t regret leaving this on the top of my hands. :slight_smile:


Hello everyone,
As promised, I would return once the lock was installed and now the time has come. :smiley:

See the video below for the final result.


I installed this door lock: https://www.g-u.com/en/DE/aktuelles/produktinformationen/kit-for-secury-automatic-multi-point-locks.html
It’s great because it is completely invisible, very secure, 3 point locking, (I dislike the striker plate), can still use the normal key,
only downside is that when you use the key to deadbolt the door or “night lock” you cannot open it electronically.
I have it hooked up to an arduino, relay and a reader. so you can add it to HA, add a car battery for power outage, etc. all up to your own needs. i made the reader antenna myself and hid it in the wall, has read range of about 2cm.
So nobody knows it’s there unless i show them the magic :slight_smile:

have the system now for about a year and very happy with it.


Any chance you can post a picture or video of our set up?

For what it’s worth you shouldn’t need a UDM. Pretty sure you can run a Unifi controller on any PC or VM for free.

I bought this and I have the next so it doesn’t work but should with the magic I think….