What is wrong with my skin

Hello everyone,
I am Joel. I’m fairly new to this form and a novice when it comes to implants. I am working with just the x-series implants at the moment. The NExT and the xG3 to start out with. The first one we attempted to install was the NExT in pocket “0” (in between thumb and index) and was being installed by a vet tech/rancher who has tons of experience chipping livestock and pets. The xG3 was going in the “5” spot. The knife edge of the hand. I convinced a nurse/paramedic to do this one. Both looked over the professional procedure and it was well in their capabilities. Both had the same problem. My skin. They can’t seem to punch that needle through my hand. They get most of the bevel through, but it just stops. They are literally applying more pressure then I felt comfortable with but just let them keep going to the point of clammy and white. Has anyone else had this problem?

Also, anyone have options to fix this that are better then my ideas. I just ordered a new xG3 because I am pretty big on the sterile component.

A) scalpel to create a pocket then insert microchip.

B) scalpel through the outer layer of skin, then insert syringe.

Did you use lube?
No seriously my installer uses lube and jt makes a big difference

But it does tag a decent oomph too get through the skin

Here’s me getting a few at the same time and you’ll notice he’s gotta fight a few in

I’ve noticed too the difficulty in getting it fully through various based on location, and the looser the skin sometimes the harder

No needle lube was used. I can definitely look into that in the next install.

My 2 cents… got to an actual piercer

There’s actual science at play with needle angles and edges and stuff…

Just because someone can give someone an injection or do an iv doesn’t mean they can use a big piercing needle well

Here’s a clip of my flex going in… and you’ll definitely see he had to fight to get it to pop through


I wish I could. Their is one artist in the area that is “thinking” about doing them. The closest piercing parlor that’s on the list is over 5 hours away. Then next one is closer to 14 hours. I live in the dead zone on the map of installers.

Was that needle lubeless or with lube?

I will definitely catch up with the artist that is thinking about it. Talk to him about my failed attempts with the medical professionals and see if he will give it a go.

So do I, but I found a great installer within 5 miles of me

The map as is is currently broken, so some leg work, visit a few shops and talk to them… follow the how to approach a prospective installer thread

That’s how I found the one artist. He is about an hour and a half away.

I definitely appreciate you. I just ordered the lube tonight so I will add that to second try of each chips.

where at are you located roughly? maybe some members here can chime in with installers near by that you may not be aware of :slight_smile:

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When I did my xNT, I was VERY surprised at how hard it was to insert the needle.

Jump to 6:30
If I’m not mistaken, some injectors come with more lube than others (or did at some point). It makes a difference. Metal does not easily slide by skin that has just had all the oils removed from it.


I am in central North Dakota.

It’s been stated in other places on the forum in another post but the biggest reason for this friction comes from the fact that the antiseptic used to clean the skin will remove all oil from the surface of your skin. This leaves your skin about as smooth and frictionless as 80 grit sandpaper. But like worse. Basically your skin becomes like gecko feet and will stick to everything… So much so, that it actually feels tacky to the touch like it’s covered in adhesive. When you try to slide a steel needle through this, you’re doing so at such an angle that the length of the needle is often situated so that it must be dragged across the entire surface area of the needle making contact with your skin. That’s generating a lot of friction. Need a lubricant will make things go much easier.

The other issue is the bevel itself. The tip of a needle is made up of many parts, the point being the very sharp pointy bit… hence it’s called the point. The bevel, specifically the back part of the tube that gets cut into a needle shape… that does not have a cutting edge. So, when you are pushing the point through your skin, if you have not used the bevel down technique, then the needle bevel acts like a big scoop. The point slips under the skin, the edges cut the skin, and that makes the hollow center of the needle collect the skin inside it as it slides under. Once the back of the bevel hits the area of skin the needle is trying to slide under, you have a giant flap of skin sitting inside the needle now. Since the back of the bevel is not a cutting edge, it’s not going to cut that slap of skin, it’s going to require you to force the needle forward and effectively flip that flap 180° so it ends up sliding under your skin along with the needle.

Anyway the combination of these two things make certain installations very difficult. You can make it easier by using the bevel down technique, but once the back of the bevel is under the skin it’s recommended the needle be rotated 180° so the bevel is facing up while under the skin. This makes it easier to navigate the point the needle so that it’s not in danger of rupturing back out from under the skin so easily.


Coming for ya @Pilgrimsmaster lol


Thanks!! Edited my post :slight_smile:

ahaha lube

Haha, geez how old are ya?
( I know you are 17) I also find lube funny. :droplet:

My Mrs. was a football coach, every time they were setting up or packing up and she mentioned “grabbing the ball bag” I outwardly laughed, much to her disappointment


ahaha yeh 🫣😅 we all have childish humour in us somewhere