What’s on your chips?

I pretty much, use them all for as much as I can.
Some dedicated to things, some more flexible.

I won’t break them all down, but as an idea:

I have the original spark; generally the Spark & Spark2 get a bad rap, which is undeserving in my opinion.
I used to use it for my VK Authenticator OTP, and still would, but that is now on my Apex. ( in fact, I may either back them up on the Spark, or split them between each )
I still have "Business card / contact details and a couple of weblinks. ( Basically like a Popl etc, but in the DT environment which I have no problem with )
I do like the iOS Spark app better than the Android one, but it is still good enough for my needs.
My Spark is also my only ISO15693 implant.
On top of all that, as mentioned by Amal previously, there will be some more functionality / compatibility with the VK improvements that are on the roadmap.

My FlexM1gen2 is probably my most used implant, It is my house access , but also when I travel, It is my my go-to for hotel doors; And because its gen2, I can write to it with my phone ( and store the profiles in the MCT app 'Library" for quick swaps. )

My NExT LF has my vehicle Push to Start on it
My NExT HF has a Tasker task setup and some passwords and the UIDs for both for PC login.
as seen here.

My xMagic, I am using on some projects both LF and HF but soon to be set “permanently”
It has been really helpful, especially when playing with dual freq readers, or swapping between either.

My FlexNT is my best performer, currently being used for a separate project ( To be shared SOON™ )

I also have 1 or 2 custom conversions planned in the near future ( also to be shared SOON™ )

Oh, also another custom conversion, but I haven’t spoken to Amal directly about that one, that will be a bit further down the track

“I won’t break them all down” That’ll probably do
and a couple of others doing other things, and a FlexDF2 yet to be installed