What to buy as an Apple user?


I would try the TagInfo app from NXP to read the tag. It seems that older Samsung devices didn’t play nice with MIFARE Classic natively, so you need to use the appropriate app. You could also try updating the S5 to the latest firmware (System Update in Settings).

Are you trying to set up a DT product, or some other access control card? None of the DT tags are MIFARE Classic, AFAIK. What is it exactly that you’re trying to do?


guys has anyone managed to unlock macbook air with acr122u and xSIID?

I dont have either so I cant tell you details, but can tell you it is possible.
The first video in in this montage is osx with xNT

looks to be a PN532

With a little more research

This is probably what you are after for your ACR122U option

Now excuse me whilst I go and clear my browser history of the Apple search :face_vomiting:

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I still couldn’t figure out how to unlock macbook air with Acr122 :sob: :scream:

In answer to the original question “what to buy as an apple user” an android phone.

I can’t help you there… but you could buy a KBR1 and just chill until we get the Apex and then worry about real login :smiley:

come on seriously lol I’ve seen that many have succeeded but I don’t understand how!

have you really seen people unlock their macbook with an acr122u? it cannot be done without some specific auth software for mac… i don’t know what software that is, i just know it’s not built in to the OS is all. a quick google turned up mac support here - https://www.rohos.net/

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