When to program chip?

When is the optimal time to write to the chip? Before or after the implant? I’d like to do it before but the packaging says do not open/contents sterile. The piercer said at first that most of his clients program it before the implant and just not remove it from the bottle. But I see the entire package is marked sterile and warns against opening it?

What are the odds of a dead/non functional chip if I choose to program it after the implant? And do the piercers on your site know how to position it optimally using the included diagnostic card and field detector?

Which implant do you have?

I would say MOST people actually write after install, approximately 2 weeks after install, once inflammation to the area has healed (nobody really waits this long, but in theory, this is the ideal)

If you have a flex, you can test before install

If you have an xSeries, you may possibly be able to read write to an LF whilst still in the needle, depending on your reader.
There is very little chance of being able to read an HF implant.

If you were going to realisticly going to try and read and write to an xSeries, you would need to remove the imant from the needle, but as you saw, this is highly recommended that you dont

IF you were going to do it, you would be best to do it just prior to installing but ensuring it remained in the sterile field using aseptic techniques

Pretty low.

They are tested prior to even being made available for sale.


I agree.

Got the same question.
And then noticed…

This makes me think we’re talking about a flex implant, since glassies usually come inside a needle, not a bottle. (while some flexies ship in a vial… or “bottle”)

In which case it is possible to program/test before the install but you would need a pretty good reader to do that. phone might be a pain to pair properly.

I fear you might be mixing up two unrelated things here…

When we talk about “optimal position” we are usually talking about the position of the chip in relation to the reader’s antenna.
i.e. how to approach your implant to the reader to get the fastest and most consistent read.

This has nothing to do with the install.
Both the field detector and the diagnostics card are tools to be used on the reader, not on the implant, to help you figure out where/how to approach your implant so it gets read.

Now, about Implant position…
There’s a whole thread just about where people like their implants!

It all comes down to a combination of personal taste, implant type, implant usage and life habits.
So ultimately you are the one who should tell your installer where you want it. (and then listen to the installer’s feedback).

Hope this helps. other than that, we’re here for any more questions!


I recommend testing a flex before, to make sure it is not damaged and also compatible with your readers. You can also program it if you want to, just make sure to not damage the sterile packaging.

Tricky bit there is that, without compromising the sterile-ness (is that a word?), it’s more likely to get a false negative than any valid test.

Have you tried reading or writing to an implant in a vial using nothing but a cheap phone? it’s a nightmare!

I got zero reads from a building’s readers on a flex inside the tube.

It reads perfectly after installed.

the odds of a DT chip being dead are so low I don’t think it’s worth the contamination risk of bringing the implant out and about to test it on street-level readers.

Especially given that what would you do if it doesn’t read?

Throw away a perfectly valid implant?
Or install something you believe might be dead? (in which case, why to bother testing first?)

Or open the vial, then test, realise it works… and then pay postage to send it back to DT for sterilisation once more… just to receive the implant back which needs to be “tested” again?

I know it’s counter-intuitive, but unless OP has a good Proxmark or another high power setup (which doesn’t seem the case given the questions asked), attempting to test beforehand has higher odds of causing unnecessary stress than actually helping.

Fair points. My implant came in a dry plasma-sterilized pouch, not in a vial (which cannot be shipped overseas afaik as it contains a solution of chlorhexidine).

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My old-antenna Flexy came like that. was much easier to test/read prior to install.

All my new antenna flexies (including Walletmor) came in vials.

All were overseas shipping.

I still don’t know what’s OP’s situation. just basing myself off this comment:

And assuming it’s likely to be a flex, in a vial.

Actually… now that leaves me thinking…
Imagine you find yourself stranded in a desert island, with a bottle, but no paper to send a message?

Just gnaw your implant off and send for help!
:grin: :thinking: :unamused:

Ok… I guess I replies too much in a single thread… had to derail! :sweat_smile: