When will Vivokey be out?

No updates that aren’t here, my friend.

I wish there were some updates, but this kind of thing takes time and it’s out of our control.


I hope it will work with the Cybertruck. Reserved mine same day!


Oh well. Hope it’s sooner rather than later but I guess we’ll see

I haven’t reserved… but I also hope it will work with CT


I only did it to lock in the Autopilot price. Was only $100

Which one did you reserve? I reserved the tri, the quoted range was just so good.

I did the dual. Not sure I need the tri. Plus the tri is $20,000 more and I want the ATV also.

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ATV looks cool, I am likely going to get a delfast at some point so that will likely be enough for me.

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Those look neat. I considered one like this https://lunacycle.com/sur-ron-x-bike-black-edition/ when I bought my mid drive kit for my bicycle. https://lunacycle.com/bafang-bbshd-1000w-middrive-kit/

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Nice, yeah, I will be getting some sort of fast ebike. Planning on building a campervan and want the bike so I can get around without having to move the van.


I reserved the dual motor… I doubt I’d ever need the extra range or power, and my car payments on the model 3s are enough already hahaha. I’m only about 50% sure I’ll end up going through with it once it actually comes out, but for $100 reserve price, I figured I might as well get in line!


Yeah, the time between reserving and when they say you will get it and when you will actually get it are so massive it is hard to be sure what circumstances will be like when it is available.




Luna cycle has had awesome customer service. They have sent me 2 things after my purchase because they have realized it can be made better. This is almost a year and a half later. Not sure if anything they have interest you however.

I only want the ATV because I have wrecked on an ebike, and I am semi uncomfortable riding mine now. Top speed 42. (67.5924 k) It is nice to get around town however. I have used it for about 260 miles. (418.429 k)

Pretty much it. I bought a Ridgeline 2 years ago, but I really wanted an electric vehicle. When Tesla announced the Cybertruck, I sold it at a slight loss. Figured I would save up for the cybertruck.


Thanks for the Metric conversion @Backpackingvet :+1: :straight_ruler:
I don’t speak American

images (58)


I am glad to see others on here interested in the opportunity to use with the CyberTruck!
Tri-Motor FSD option as well, I figured go big or go home :rofl:
Kinda the same reason I had four implants done same day.


I have a good feeling that Cybertruck will also use key card and low energy Bluetooth as the model Y is also like this just like the model 3, which they both don’t come with a key fob. I wonder if at some point Tesla will add these unlocking options to model S and X as well.

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It would require the readers in the locations the 3 has them, so unless they’re built in already, it’s unlikely.

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No I mean by future model S and X produced. I highly doubt there’s a reader already built into current model S and X cars, but maybe they will add them into newer ones at some point.

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I doubt they’ll add them, not with the Bluetooth unlocks also possible (and probably without any hardware changes). It would require a rework of their assembly lines to put in, and it’s a low priority part of their setup (from discussions with people who would know)

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