Will getting tazed brick an xNT implant?

I got an xNT implant a few months ago and it’s been great. So if I were to taze myself with, say, one of these:

Would that likely brick my xNT? Would it brick the implant if I were to get tazed in the leg even though the chip is in my hand? And what if I were to get tazed directly on the chip location?

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Oh wow someone has tried it and the implant survived a direct taze. Thank you very much.

I tried to search for it but I guess the difference in spelling between “tase” and “taze” prevented it from coming up.

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TASER is an acronym - Thomas A Swift Electric Rifle.

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I’ve tested this on my NExT and Vivokey Spark implants. Both were unaffected after multiple and extended shocks. Now, I can’t speak for high current military or police issue, but attire bought had no effect.

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man… any video of that?!

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Unfortunately not. Though I could always revisit the experiment. Haha

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