XLED don’t work

A few months ago I installed in my hand the xLED, already under the swelling and I tried with different readers and I can’t make the light shine, is it broken? The frecuencia is 13.56 HELP :frowning:

Si alguien sabe español me sería de gran ayuda, yo soy de Mexico y no hablo inglés, tengo meses con el implante en mi mano y he intentado con decenas de smartphones hacer que se encienda el led pero no he tenido éxito, he intentado con smartphone de todas las marcas y distintos modelos. Ayuda estoy muy desanimado :frowning:

Mi espanol no es suficiente bueno para ayudar con preguntas tecnica.
Yo usar el ingles para probalmente ayudar tu

pero tu usar este para entiende

What specific readers have you been trying to use?
Phone ( Make / Model )?
KBR1 Reader?
Door Access system?
Have you tried in a dark room? are you getting just a little bit of light?
Do you have a XField detector ( The non-implantable version of the LED ) or a Diagnostic card, just to find the best place on your phone or reader to illuminate your xLED

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It helps, I was actually excited about the product but I haven’t gotten it to work. I carried out my implantation in October of last year.

try different models

iPhone 7 to 11 Pro max, all models
Moto g5s plus, and others

I have tried with rfid and nfc door opening systems, it doesn’t emit a light, it does nothing

I’m not doubting you but are you 100% sure it was a HF tag not LF have you got a 125khz reader you could try?

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Yes, in truth I have already tried everything, I begin to believe that my xLED is broken. :frowning:

I know mine isn’t broken, but I will say, it is underwhelming, I have to try and light it up when it is dim, or I can’t even see it. The KBR will light it up somewhat, but it still has to be on top of it.

Basically, I feel like I will not use it much, as it is super hard to get to light up with my phone.

Edit: I did just install mine a few days ago, so maybe it is the swelling? This is just my current observation.

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Greetings all!

I also purchased the 13.56 Mghz XLED. I did the implant myself in the recommended location on my left hand. For several days I thought mine was broken also. It took me about a week of searching with my phone but I finally found the sweet spot. I guess the point of this post is don’t lose hope. When I finally got mine to work I was in a completely dark room and moved my phone a millimeter at a time over the implant area changing the phones orientation. Also, even though I know where it is now, very small movements away from that area or in phone orientation cause the light to go out. Another thing I didn’t realize at first is that the NFC on my phone is intermittent. It’s not a steady signal so the XLED flashes. Oh, another thing I did was look online for a drawing of where exactly the NFC antenna is in my phone, that helped me a lot. Anyways, good luck, I know I was getting quite discouraged until I finally saw that first flash of light. Hope you find your soon.


great suggestions :+1:
@Alexiscoronel28 I would reccomend you follow through what @ccoop45 has suggested.
Some very good fault finding, once you have tried those exactly, let us know, it may need to be given to DT for their attention.
But first work through @ccoop45 suggestions

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Welcome! :smiley:



Do you have a HF X Field Detector (the non implantable version of the xLED) there much cheaper (or come with the NExT) etc. It should help you find a good location on your reader and confirm that your device is creating a field that can couple with the xLED.

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Hola Alexis,

Yo creo que sí, después de varios meses, si no funciona, debe ser roto. Debería haber funcionado inmediatamente después de la implantación, o por lo menos haberse vuelto visible después de no más que una semana.

La otra cosa es que una LED es un componente muy sencillo que se puede ver brillar un poco, un poquito más, or completamente al acercar el teléfono. No es todo o nada como un chip NFC. Si no ves nada, siento que no es buena noticia.

@Alexiscoronel28 have you made any progress?

Nothing :frowning:

I am very sad

I don’t know how to ask for support, my language is Spanish, I communicate through a translator, I live in Mexico.

I recommend you reach out to DT:

Send them something like this:

Hi, My xLED implanted late last year has never worked. I have tried to get support on the forum but they think it may be defective. Here is the forum link: https://forum. dangerousthings.com/t/xled-don-t-work/6318/2

They should have some options for you. Or @mdanger may see this post first.

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Soy de acuerdo con Leumas95: pide ayuda a DT. Es una buena empresa. Van a ayudarte si lo pueden.

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Buenas yo acabo de ponerme un Xled blanco y mi duda era como saber si estaba el led mirando al interior o exterior,creo que seria un problema que quede hacia el interior,he tenido suerte y parece que quedo bastante girado hacia afuera,pero es algo que no he podido saber antes del implante y creo que la orientacion tendria que estar marcada en la aguja, ya que creo que si mira hacia adentro y el campo es debil seguro no se vea casi nada.