I received several implants last Saturday. Overall have not had major issues, however a week later and the my hand is still fairly sore around the xLED. It feels like it may be too close to the bone here, but maybe I’m overthinking it because the others healed so easily. Any advice? Should I be concerned?
I think this is a good representation of bone vs implant, implant moves a bit when I close my hand so anywhere in the vicinity of the circle on the right is where it tends to move
Is the xled perpendicular or horizontal to the bone.
It does take a little time to heal and if you use that have a lot of does impact the healing time I remember my p0 took some time vs my p4 of my non dominant hand.
Just be on the lookout for heat and redness from the area
It’s hard to tell exactly where it is relative to the bone as there is still a bit of swelling. It feels like it’s just to the side of it if that makes sense.
Fortunately no heat or redness, it just feels like it got bruised pretty bad.
Also relevant I have a next in the same area that I got at the same time which is not very noticeable.
More of a bruise kind of pain, but somewhat sharper pain if I bump it directly. It feels especially tender if I squeeze my hand into a fist, but I’m trying to keep my index finger extended as much as possible for now.
Ok… let’s see what happens over the next couple weeks. Deep swelling can cause pressure based pain in these scenarios, but it should dissipate over the next couple weeks. If it’s still painful in 2 weeks then it’ll need to be investigated.
Looks like a lot of bleeding for an x serie instal.
You may have nicked an blood vessel in there causing some hematoma inside the tissues. It would explain the swelling and saureness
Thank you, that actually would make a lot of sense! Like it doesn’t seem like it’s in a spot where it would be hitting bone, but I would guess hitting a hematoma might feel similar.
I expect a hematoma was the right call, at least things seemed to heal well once I treated it as one. It still seems a bit close to the bone, but any discomfort has subsided. Thank you again for the advice!