Hello everyone. I’m having a small problem with my xM1 gen2 implant (the one in the Ultimate Bundle), which is installed in L5.
So far I’ve never had to change its UID because it’s not needed, but now I’d like to put my building badge on it (UID in 4 bytes, mifare classic 1k).
With the proxmark :
Impossible to interact with the implant, even with ‘hf search’. Probably because the skin is thick there.
With the MCT application :
The badge copy works well on the blank cards supplied with the proxmark. They are also magic gen2.
When I copy the UID, the application tells me that the operation has been successful. Then I have to rescan my implant to check. Now it asks me to check that it’s a gen2, and that an error has occurred.
The same happens when I want to copy an entire dump, instead of just the UID.
If you have any ideas for a solution, I’d love to hear from you. My only theory is that I ended up with an xM1 gen1a which was mixed up during packaging, and put in a gen2 box and then in my bundle.
Yes, I’ve already tried it, with ‘hf tune’ the voltage drops from 16.2V to 15.5V with my xSeries implants (compared to 13.9V with my flex and 12.3V with a card).
As for the ‘hf 14a reader’, it gives nothing, even when I put my hand in the optimum position found by the ‘hf tune’ or with the keyfobs.
How long have you had the xM1 installed? P5 has pretty thick skin, so I wouldn’t be surprised if that plus just even a little bit of swelling would get in the way of a good read.
If you can successfully get a hf mf info, it will confirm for sure what your xM1’s Magic capabilities are.
I’m sure you know that the orientation of the antenna should be perpenicular to the lengthwise orientation of the implant, such that they make a “t” or an “x”? I just want to confirm.
I had it installed in August. And as for the swelling, the implant has been doing well since October/November.
My phone and the building’s Vigik sensors detect it without a hitch.
And yes, I place it perpendicular to the T-shaped antenna.
I hate to respond with “Buy this product and spend even more money”, but…
You seem to have done most of the basic troubleshooting steps.
You may be served well by some of the repeaters designed by @Hamspiced .
I cannot guarantee that it will solve your issue, but if both your phone and your work’s readers are able to read it and the pm3 is just having a coupling issue, a pm3 field enhancer should be able to bridge the gap a bit. I know that mine took me from [barely able to read my xMagic] to getting consistent writes.
I would also suggest getting some of the stickers too, if only because they make life a bit easier and it’d be cheaper to not pay for shipping twice by buying them separate from the field enhancer. If a coupling issue is the problem with phone writes (given your xM1 is in fact a gen2), one of these will almost certainly solve the problem. I have one on my pixel 8, and I don’t even need to touch my R4 xMagic to my phone for a read.
Someone else feel free to call me out if I’m jumping on this solution a bit early before something else simple that should be tried first.
I thought of this very same solution, but selfishly I was waiting for dangerous things to get these boards in stock. You made the right call and directing them to @Hamspiced website. I’m sure this will help solve the problem.
The PM3 field enhancers are currently undergoing a version change. The new version won’t require spacers is a slight more centered and will be available on DT next month once Chinese new year ends. If you can wait it may be a better experience for you. In the mean time you can pick up a RSP and it will hold you over, but if you didn’t mind the spacers and a slightly off feeling mid board I have plenty
Thank you for your solutions.
As for the field enhancer (repeater), I’ve already considered it. But living in France, it’s over $100 with delivery.
I’m in the process of developing my own repeater, reusing the antenna and PCB from the field detectors supplied by DT with the implants (I’ve got loads of them so it might be fun to reuse them and divert their purpose).
@Hamspiced On the other hand, if you offer to send the stickers and PCB by post as a simple international letter (instead of as a parcel), I think I’ll buy some. Because the $118 UPS, DHL, etc postage costs are a big turnoff.
Also, does anyone know why Mifare Classic Tools can’t write to my xMagic? Or is it to do with the range too?
You may want to post some pictures of the data from the tag if it’s not too important, then someone should be able to look over the lockbytes and make sure nothing strange is going on
I’m not sure I trust sending a PCB internationally via a standard envelope, but I’d be willing to middle-man a couple repeater stickers if @Hamspiced is not willing to send them that way.
I’m a much smaller setup than DT. But I also have significantly less experience shipping internationally at scale. On average I lose around 50% of the packages that get sent which usually results in me resending abd then getting ghosted by the receiver.
I followed DT’s strategy of sending using international stamps just the repeater stickers and I get around 60% success rate… my biggest two gripes with the international stamp method is 1. Delivery time and 2. Lack of tracking available.
Sometimes it takes two weeks, sometimes a month, sometimes I just resend it.
DT offers sending the repeaters internationaly with an international stamp as well and has phenomenal customer service. If you just want the repeaters I suggest that route because I am actually currently out of international stamps I’ll have to pick some up Monday when the post opens. Either way myself or Amal and Tac0s can get you squared away.
We’ve done this for RDC before… a proxmark3 repeater board should be no problem to put into a letter envelope… just tape to a few pieces of paper, fold them up and stuff into the envelope it should make it no problem.
Yeah we were maintaining an ever-evolving list of countries we could ship to using USPS (which transitions to local domestic post after customs) and after a while it was clear - we just switched to DHL Express for all international except Canada.
We found that often it was how the products were secured inside the envelope… if you just put loose things in there then chances are low… but if you tape things down to a piece of paper such that they are centered and don’t slosh around in the envelope, almost everything makes it. The reason for this is the letter sorting machines thrash the hell out of envelopes and if there is a clump of stickers in one corner of the envelope it will either get torn to pieces or it will get ejected from the sorter and a human will look at it, realize you’re not sending a letter, and bounce it or trash it.